Nystapi People: Difference between revisions

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Nystapi culture has been remarked by Blåskovian influence and history of colonization however it is unique in its adaptation of working alongside Blåskovian influence rather than actively opposing it. Examples include Niväk customs, adaptation and intermixing of Blåskovian customs with their own indigenous Nystapi culture. While controversial, even to this day centuries later it is cited as the most all encompassing reason why Nystapi was arguably the most successful surviving indigenous ethnicity in Borea and was able to escape the worst of Blåskovian colonization. While Blåskovian is impactful and most well-known [[Ulvriktru]] influence on the Nystapi. [[Queendom of Lapérouse|Lapérousian]] and [[Norgsveldet|Norgsveltian]] influences have been noted by anthropologists, both deliberate and accidentally brought into Nystapi mainstream culture. [[Queendom of Lapérouse|Lapérousian]], and later on after the collapse of the [[Queendom of Lapérouse]], [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtoise]] culture was taken as heavy inspiration. The Nystapi Shrine Authority structure and organization being heavily inspired by [[Hjørdist Gustafism]] temple structure, but with subservience to [[Ulvriktru|Carlistic Ulvriktru]] similar to [[Norgsveldet|Norgsveltian]] [[North Concordian Shrine Federation]] with respect to the Fylkir.
=== Housing ===
Administrators, verified
