Nuvrenon Convention: Difference between revisions

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{{Infobox treaty|name=Nuvrenon Convention|type=Treaty|date_drafted={{Start date and age|1962|7|14}}|date_signed={{Start date and age|1962|7|16}} (first date)|date_ratified={{Start date and age|1962|7|18}} (First date)|location_signed=[[Nuvrenon]], [[Tavaris]]|date_effective={{Start date and age|1962|12|31}} (first date)|condition_effective=Lapse of deadline|date_expiration=None|language={{Unbulleted list|[[Staynish]]|[[Packilvanian]]|[[W:French language|Frakanic]]|[[w:Mongolian language|Alvish]]}}|original_signatories={{Unbulleted list|{{Flagcountry|Packilvania}}|{{Flagcountry|Federation of the Southern Coast}}|{{Flagcountry|Hvaloaszna}}|{{flagicon image|SVR Flag.png}} Suvan Republic|{{Flagcountry|Great Morstaybishlia}}|{{Flagcountry|South Hills}}}}|long_name=International Convention on Road Traffic Signage|image=Imhan Kilion Street Road Hump Warning Sign.jpg|caption=A bumpy road 2 kilometres ahead warning sign for Imhan Kilion Road in [[Bingol]], [[Packilvania]] which follows the Nuvrenon Convention standards|image_width=260}}
The '''[[Nuvrenon Convention]]''', formally known as the '''International Convention on Road Traffic Signage''' ([[Packilvanian]]: ''luKhavnan luYasteriya aleLafitat aluTadafuqshareedishme weleTariq'', [[W:French language|Frakanic]]: ''Convention internationale sur la signalisation routière'', [[W:Mongolian language|Alvish]]: ''Замын хөдөлгөөний дохионы тухай олон улсын конвенц'', abbreviated the '''ICRTS''') is an international agreement to coordinate and develop universal signage and markers for vehicular and pedestrian road traffic.
The agreement is implemented by the International Committee on Road Traffic Signage which is responsible for publishing the International Standards for Road Traffic Signage Manual that sets road signage and markers for its member states to implement. The agreement was first signed in 1962.
