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[[File:Primeminister in 1800.jpg|left|thumb|150px|Prime minister Christian Michelsen]]
[[File:Primeminister in 1800.jpg|left|thumb|150px|Prime minister Christian Michelsen]]
[[File:Rolig.jpg|right|thumb|15opx|Rolig jord, from the painter Edvard Hansen]]
[[File:Rolig.jpg|right|thumb|15opx|Rolig jord, from the painter Edvard Hansen]]
Under the rule of King Haakon II Norgsveldet went through several social and economic changes. However several of those changes was seen with great criticism from workers and students, that also demanded more to say in how the goverment is run. With massive strikes being harshly oppressed by millitary intervention, what started as small protests and strikes was turned into full rebelions. At 1837 King Haakon II was shot dead by the liberal rebels, as such his son Fredrick was corronated king Fredrick I. However his rule was also cut short when his palace was surrounded by the angry crowds at 1848, which forced him to abdicate for the favor of his more liberal brother Prince Varg. After his corronation at 2nd of January 1849, the start of his rule was the start of making Norgsveldet into an [[wikipedia:Constitutional monarchy|Constitutional monarchy]]. At 1850 10th of April, King Varg III assembled an national assembly from people accross the nation. Where both nobles and commonors was represented. As such the current constitution was formed, which ensured the freedom of protest, press and speech. It also heavily limited the powers of the king, effectly making him an symbolic figure. However it ensured that king had some royal powers incase of war and emergency. The first elections was held at 1851, with the political parties of National Centre Party (NCP) and the Liberal national party (LNP). With the Christian Michelsen of NCP being chosen as the first prime minister of Norgsveldet. With his policies Norgsveldet went through heavy industrialisation. Norgsveldet went also through an big population boom during the 1800s, going from 22 million at the start of 1800 to 49 million at 1900. The 1800s was also a time of national romanticism in Norgsveldet. With several famous paintings from famous artists.
Under the rule of King Haakon II Norgsveldet went through several social and economic changes. However several of those changes was seen with great criticism from workers and students, that also demanded more to say in how the goverment is run. With massive strikes being harshly oppressed by millitary intervention, what started as small protests and strikes was turned into full rebelions. At 1837 King Haakon II was shot dead by the liberal rebels, as such his son Fredrick was corronated king Fredrick I. However his rule was also cut short when his palace was surrounded by the angry crowds at 1847, which forced him to abdicate for the favor of his more liberal brother Prince Varg. After his corronation at 2nd of January 1848, the start of his rule was the start of making Norgsveldet into an [[wikipedia:Constitutional monarchy|Constitutional monarchy]]. At 1850 10th of April, King Varg III assembled an national assembly from people accross the nation. Where both nobles and commonors was represented. As such the current constitution was formed, which ensured the freedom of protest, press and speech. It also heavily limited the powers of the king, effectly making him an symbolic figure. However it ensured that king had some royal powers incase of war and emergency. The first elections was held at 1851, with the political parties of National Centre Party (NCP) and the Liberal national party (LNP). With the Christian Michelsen of NCP being chosen as the first prime minister of Norgsveldet. With his policies Norgsveldet went through heavy industrialisation. Norgsveldet went also through an big population boom during the 1800s, going from 22 million at the start of 1800 to 49 million at 1900. The 1800s was also a time of national romanticism in Norgsveldet. With several famous paintings from famous artists.
