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===Foreign Policy===
===Foreign Policy===

Norgsveldet is the founding and major member of [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances]] and [[North Concordian Economic Forum]], holding close relations with [[Kuthernburg]], [[South Hills]], [[Asendavia]] and [[Vistaraland]]. Norgsveldet exsert large regional presence and influnce thanks to its cultural, economical and militarly power, with major cultural power contributed with Norgsveldet being the largest [[Asatru]] country. The nation having strained to hostile relations with nations like [[Great Morstaybishlia]] and [[Packilvania]] respectfully. With the nation having taken the unoffical stance of opposing nations that is considered superpowers, following its commitments for the [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances]] principle of "geopolitical balance". Though despite that commitment Norgsveldet hold friendly relations with [[South Hills]] one that observers has labeled as a strategical partnership, though the two nations have history of geopolitical rivalry.
Norgsveldet is the founding and major member of [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances]] and [[North Concordian Economic Forum]], holding close relations with [[Kuthernburg]], [[South Hills]], [[Asendavia]] and [[Vistaraland]]. Norgsveldet exsert large regional to global presence and influnce thanks to its cultural, economical and militarly power, with major cultural power contributed with Norgsveldet being the largest [[Asatru]] country. The nation having strained to hostile relations with nations like [[Great Morstaybishlia]] and [[Packilvania]] respectfully. With the nation having taken the unoffical stance of opposing nations that is considered superpowers, following its commitments for the [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances]] principle of "geopolitical balance". Though despite that commitment Norgsveldet hold friendly relations with [[South Hills]] one that observers has labeled as a strategical partnership, though the two nations have history of geopolitical rivalry.

Because of Norgsveldet's role within intertnational organisations like [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances|UCA]] and [[North Concordian Economic Forum|NCEF]] its been avaible to remaind major player in international disputes. Norgsveldet also been known for working closely together with other Ulvrikian countries, with [[North Concordian Economic Forum|NCEF]] being seen as big example of that policy.
[[Norgsveltian Armed Forces]] is the millitary organisation in charge of the defense of Norgsveldet. It consist of four branches, Norgsveltian army, United Royal Navy that includes the coast guard, United Royal Airforce and Norgsveltian Home Guard. As well with other joint departments.
[[Norgsveltian Armed Forces]] is the millitary organisation in charge of the defense of Norgsveldet. It consist of four branches, Norgsveltian army, United Royal Navy that includes the coast guard, United Royal Airforce and Norgsveltian Home Guard. As well with other joint departments.
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While An organised military existed in 1594, however it was divided between the seperate kingdoms. During the act of unity the millitary was fully unified. The most recent military conflict being the border conflicts between [[Dvalheim]] and [[Tiervan]]. The total budget of the millitary is 238 billion UKR ($121 billion). The Norgsveltian navy has 1 nuclear aircraft carrier, 2 non nuclear super carriers, 2 helicopter carriers, 1 landing platform, 4 Guided missile Destroyers, 5 air warfare destroyers, 7 ground warfare destroyers, 36 frigates, 35 submarines, 39 patrol vessels and 8 Oilers 3 Replenishment Vessel. The navy also hold several transporters, but it uses in most cases LSD's which it has 5 of, for specific missions. Norgsveldet also holding a nuclear stockpile of 300 nukes. Norgsveltian military also operate 20 satelites, 14 of which is jointly operated by all of the [[North Concordian Economic Forum|NCEF]]. The Norgsveltian military having served as big role in the region, with it having the highest budget in both [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances]] and [[North Concordian Economic Forum]]. Making it the second largest military in Concord, only being again beaten by the super power of [[South Hills]]. With its navy being one of the largest in the world.
While An organised military existed in 1594, however it was divided between the seperate kingdoms. During the act of unity the millitary was fully unified. The most recent military conflict being the border conflicts between [[Dvalheim]] and [[Tiervan]]. The total budget of the millitary is 238 billion UKR ($121 billion). The Norgsveltian navy has 1 nuclear aircraft carrier, 2 non nuclear super carriers, 2 helicopter carriers, 1 landing platform, 4 Guided missile Destroyers, 5 air warfare destroyers, 7 ground warfare destroyers, 36 frigates, 35 submarines, 39 patrol vessels and 8 Oilers 3 Replenishment Vessel. The navy also hold several transporters, but it uses in most cases LSD's which it has 5 of, for specific missions. Norgsveldet also holding a nuclear stockpile of 300 nukes. Norgsveltian military also operate 20 satelites, 14 of which is jointly operated by all of the [[North Concordian Economic Forum|NCEF]]. The Norgsveltian military having served as big role in the region, with it having the highest budget in both [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances]] and [[North Concordian Economic Forum]]. Making it the second largest military in Concord, only being again beaten by the super power of [[South Hills]]. With its navy being one of the largest in the world.
Norgsveldet has a social market economy or also called Hælan Capitalism after the river Hælan, with low unemployment rate at 2,2%, highly skilled labour force and high level of innovation. The country is one of largest economies in the world, being the largest economy in [[North Concordian Economic Forum]] and second largest economy on Concord with total nominal gdp of $3,8 trillion and a high gdp per capita of $45,109. Norgsveldet has large service industry which make up 23% of its employment also making up large part of its economic output, a lot thanks its tourism industry, though banking, transportation and retail all make big industries in Norgsveldet as well. According to stats from 2020, agriculture sector contribute 3% of Norgsveldet's entire gdp. Though almost all agriculture production comes from Nyveldet. As such the agriculture sector is well protected, though in recent years the sector has gotten less subsides. Fishing industry makes up around 10% of Norgsveldet's gdp, with almost half coming from Norgsveldet's Gondwanan territories.
Norgsveldet has a social market economy or also called Hælan Capitalism after the river Hælan, with low unemployment rate at 2,2%, highly skilled labour force and high level of innovation. The country is one of largest economies in the world, being the second largest economy in [[North Concordian Economic Forum]] and second largest economy on Concord with total nominal gdp of $3,8 trillion and a high gdp per capita of $45,109. Norgsveldet has large service industry which make up 23% of its employment also making up large part of its economic output, a lot thanks its tourism industry, though banking, transportation and retail all make big industries in Norgsveldet as well. According to stats from 2020, agriculture sector contribute 3% of Norgsveldet's entire gdp. Though almost all agriculture production comes from Nyveldet. As such the agriculture sector is well protected, though in recent years the sector has gotten less subsides. Fishing industry makes up around 10% of Norgsveldet's gdp, with almost half coming from Norgsveldet's Gondwanan territories. Norgsveldet also uses the United Krone (UKR) as its currency, which used between all members in the [[North Concordian Economic Forum|NCEF]] with the North Concordian Banking Council (NCBC) being placed in Osfjord, which regulates and controls the United Krone, the working language is Norgsveltian and Ulvrikian.

Norgsveldet's main export comes mostly from fishing, military armament and equipment, heavy machinery and equipment, vehicles, electronic products, lumber, pharmaceuticals, electrical equipments, transport equipments, semiconductors and auto parts. With Norgsveldet importing raw materials for its industries, fossil fuels, agriculture products, chemicals and uranium.
Norgsveldet's main export comes mostly from fishing, military armament and equipment, heavy machinery and equipment, vehicles, electronic products, lumber, pharmaceuticals, electrical equipments, transport equipments, semiconductors and auto parts. With Norgsveldet importing raw materials for its industries such as fossil fuels, agriculture products, chemicals and uranium.
[[File:150px-Hammer necklace.jpg|left|thumb|150px|Mjölnir necklace, symbol of the Asatru god Thor]]
[[File:150px-Hammer necklace.jpg|left|thumb|150px|Mjölnir necklace, symbol of the Asatru god Thor]]
The main relgion in Norgsveldet is [[Asatru]] With 70,65% belonging to Asatru temple of Norgsveldet, 55% of those people state they identify with Æsirism, while 45% claiming they identify as following Vanarism. 27,62% claiming they are nonreligious either as agnostic or atheist. 4% of all Norgsveltians follow an relative new faith that came to Norgsveldet is called Norism, a faith that came to Norgsveldet in the 1800s by an Norgsveltian priest who visited the island of Langeyjr (The island where Tiervan and Dvalheim is), where he tried to convince the natives to follow Asatru. In his attempt he to put an connection between their local religion with Asatru. What instead happened was that priest was converted by the locals and tried to convert the Norgsveltian king to Norism. In that priest attempt he changed the names of places and characters in Norism to make it more acceptable for the king. In the 1900s the same new faith got more and more attention in Norgsveldet. Specialy by scholars. Less then 1% of the population follow an movement called the Cult of Loki, officaly not considered as an religion by the Norgsveltian goverment, stating that "cults like these can not be considered as a religion. As they are to dangerous to get the protection of the state". The Cult of Loki is an movement claiming that the god Loki in Asatru is the only good god in in that religion. And all actions of his is justified. Around 0,87% follow a religion called [[Thaerism]]. [[File:High gothi.jpg|right|thumb|150px|High Gothi of Norgsveldet]]
The main relgion in Norgsveldet is [[Asatru]] With 71% belonging to Asatru temple of Norgsveldet, huge majority following the Gustafistic Branch of Asatru. 23,62% claiming they are nonreligious either as agnostic or atheist. 4% of all Norgsveltians follow an anncient religion called "Duarism", one followed by the indigenous Tiefling population with the two gods in Duarism being Soleiken the Sun Goddess and Månbriak the moon god. Around 0,87% follow a religion called [[Thaerism]]. With rest being put into other. [[File:High gothi.jpg|right|thumb|150px|High Gothi of Norgsveldet]]
While [[Asatru]] does have diffrent branches those branches is mostly for political reasons then religious ones. The religous divide in Asatru happening in the late 1700s when king Gustaf II of Norgsveldet made himself head of the Asatru religion. Which religous divide to those who recognised the Norgsveltian monarch religous authority and those that did not. Later on being called Gustafstic Asatru for those who recognise the Norgsveltian monarch as head of the Asatru faith giving him the title of Saint of the Asatru faith, and the ones who rather recognise the Gothirs as the religious leaders of the Asatru faith as Gothiric Asatru. With Gothirs accross Gothiric Asatru chosing the High Gothir of Asatru, as a personal embodiment to counter the Norgsveltian monarch religious authority.
While [[Asatru]] does have diffrent branches those branches is mostly for political reasons then religious ones. The religous divide in Asatru happening in the late 1700s when king Gustaf II of Norgsveldet made himself head of the Asatru religion. Which religous divide to those who recognised the Norgsveltian monarch religous authority and those that did not. Later on being called Gustafstic Asatru for those who recognise the Norgsveltian monarch as head of the Asatru faith giving him the title of Saint of the Asatru faith, and the ones who rather recognise the Gothirs as the religious leaders of the Asatru faith as Gothiric Asatru. With Gothirs accross Gothiric Asatru chosing the High Gothir of Asatru, as a personal embodiment to counter the Norgsveltian monarch religious authority.

The god Odin is seen as the main god, it is often his son Thor that is frequently prayed to and whorshiped. Which also can be seen with certain people following the religion often wearing [[Wikipedia:Mjölnir|Mjölnir]] as a necklace. In an similare way with the cross being used as necklace. Though not considered diffrent branches in Asatru there exist two type of worshiping in Asatru, Æsirism and Vanarism. In Æsirism the worship of the Æsir gods being put in higher importance then the one of of the Vanir. While the opposite is true with Vanarism. The main god of worship in Vanarism is Njord, while in Æsirism it is Odin. The god Thor is considered to be an god that both type follow, despite Thor being an Æsir god.
The god Odin is seen as the main god, it is often his son Thor that is frequently prayed to and whorshiped. Which also can be seen with certain people following the religion often wearing [[Wikipedia:Mjölnir|Mjölnir]] as a necklace. In an similare way with the cross being used as necklace. Though not considered diffrent branches in Asatru there exist two type of worshiping in Asatru, Æsirism and Vanarism. In Æsirism the worship of the Æsir gods being put in higher importance then the one of of the Vanir. While the opposite is true with Vanarism. The main god of worship in Vanarism is Njord, while in Æsirism it is Odin. The god Thor is considered to be an god that both type follow, despite Thor being an Æsir god. There is however gods like Hel the goddess of Death, that does not fit either type of worship as she is neither Æsir or Vanir, but a Jotun in which according to tradition, shall be respected but never worshiped.
In 1950 the seperation between Temple and state happened, while attempt before was made it was not before under the labour party leadership of Agnir Hansen that seperation was succesful. There is however still alot of connection between the Asatru temple and state, more specificaly between the monarch and the temple. The seperation being only between the elected goverment and temple. By Norgsveldet consitution the monarchy must be an fellower of the Asatru faith and it's teachings. The monarch of Norgsveldet is also the de jure head of the Asatru faith, meaning that theoraticaly the Norgsveltian King hold highest religious authority. However most of the religious matter in Norgsveldet itself holds with the High Gothi of Norgsveldet. With most religious matters in Norgsveldet is handled by the High Gothi, such as religious events. The High Gothi serves for life and the next succesor is chosen by the monarch.
In 1950 the seperation between Temple and state happened, while attempt before was made it was not before under the labour party leadership of Agnir Hansen that seperation was succesful. There is however still alot of connection between the Asatru temple and state, more specificaly between the monarch and the temple. The seperation being only between the elected goverment and temple. By Norgsveldet consitution the monarchy must be an fellower of the Asatru faith and it's teachings. The monarch of Norgsveldet is also the de jure head of the Asatru faith, meaning that theoraticaly the Norgsveltian King hold highest religious authority. However most of the religious matter in Norgsveldet itself holds with the High Gothi of Norgsveldet. With most religious matters in Norgsveldet is handled by the High Gothi, such as religious events. The High Gothi serves for life and the next succesor is chosen by the monarch.
Norgsveldet use a diffrent calendar then what most of Urth follows likewise with other Asatru countries that follow the Nori calendar, an calendar made for the basis of after the death of Asatru's founder. According to that calendar the current year is 1370 ADN.
Norgsveldet use a diffrent calendar then what most of Urth follows likewise with other Asatru countries that follow the Nori calendar, an calendar made for the basis of after the death of Asatru's founder. According to that calendar the current year is 1371 ADN.
