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[[File:Primeminister in 1800.jpg|left|thumb|150px|Prime minister Christian Michelsen]]
[[File:Rolig.jpg|right|thumb|15opx|Rolig jord, from the painter Edvard Hansen]]
Under the rule of King Haakon II Norgsveldet went through several social and economic changes. HoweverMain severalones ofbeing thosethe changesending wasof seenthe withdeportation greatof criticismreligious from workersminorities, and students,ending thatthe alsodefacto demandedusage moreof toslavery saywithin inNorgsveldet howthrough the goverment is run. While Norgsveldet had certain formsusage of democratic decision making before the 1800s,prision throughsystem thein councilsouthern ofNorgsveldet. elders, itThis was disolvedhowever bymassively kingcriticised Gustafby IImany inwithin the latenobility 1700s.and Asofficers awho resultoften ofwas the councilincharge of elders objecting to the religiousprision divide within Asatrusystem. As such byat the1837, 1800sKing NorgsveldetHaakon II was effectivelyassassinated aby theocratican absolutegunmen monarchy,hired withby onlysouthern somearistocrats localand citiesmilitary havingofficers. aAs democraticsuch process.Crown AtPrince 1837Fredrick Kingwas Haakoncorronated IIFredrick wasI, shotand deadtried byreversing the areforms revolutionary, as suchof his sonfather, Fredrickto wasappease corronatedthe king Fredrick Inobility. However his rule was also cut short when his palace was surrounded by angry crowds at 1847, whichwhen a news paper named Osfjord Tidene exposed the truth King Haakon II's death to the public. The crowds forced him to abdicate for the favor of his more liberal and populare brother Prince Varg. After his corronation at 2nd of January 1848, the start of his rule was the start of making Norgsveldet into an democratic and parlimentary [[wikipedia:Constitutional monarchy|Constitutional monarchy]], and the continuation of his father's policies. At 1850 10th of April, King Varg III assembled an national assembly from people accross the nation. Where both nobles and commonors was represented. As such the current constitution was formed, which ensured the freedom of protest, press and speech. It also heavily limited the powers of the king, effectly making him an symbolic figure. However it ensured that king had some royal powers incase of war and emergency. The first elections was held at 1851, with the political parties of National Centre Party (NCP) and the Liberal national party (LNP). With the Christian Michelsen of NCP being chosen as the first prime minister of Norgsveldet. During this time Norgsveldet went through heavy industrialisation, which increased the overall wealth of the nation and throughVarg populareIII reforms restributed wealth across Norgsveltian society, during whichforced many members ofwithin the nobility immigrated to Norgsveltianeither colonieslet whichgo hadof seperatetheir economictitles policiesor frombe exiled to the mainlandcolonies. The Norgsveldetian mainland went also through an big population boom during the 1800s, going from 22 million at the start of 1800 to 49 million at 1900, which ensured further and further settlement into the colonies. The 1800s was also a time of national romanticism in Norgsveldet. With several famous paintings from famous artists.
[[File:YoungOlav.png|left|thumb|150px|Painting of Crown Prince Olav]]
At 1952 Queen [[Magrete I]] was corronated as the first Queen of Norgsveldet.
After the election of 1954, prime minster Agnir Hansen was elected as the first elven prime minister and the first labour party prime minister. After several years of the politics be dominated by NCP and LNP. Agnir Hansen policies ensured more welfare, higher social securities, higher taxes and more state owned companies. With foreign policy being one of isolation, as he tried to make the nation more self sufficient. Agnir Hansen and the prime minister of Eyjaria, Georg Bjørnhjelm signed the treaty of Svenhus, which gave Eyjaria independence, while also ensuring free trade between both nations and an common currency. At 1960 Norgsveldet tested its first nuke, after Agnir Hansen was heavily pressured from parliament and from the Queen to create an nuclear arms program. At 1965 Ragnar Aasen from [[Asatru Democrats]] was elected as prime minister, thanks to his anti-communist rethoric and promises of increased nuclear build up. Which by 1965, Norgsveldet had nuclear stockpile of 50. Under his ministry the nation supported a military coup against the Communist goverment in Helslandr, and jointsupported invasionRoyalist againstIncurgencies in the Socialist Republic of Atlae, which lead to the reinstating the monarchy there in what is now called the [[Violet Restoration War]]. Which many points at causing an increased amount of political radicalisation within Norgsveldet. Such as the far right National Union Party(NUP) and the far left Socialist Einarism Party(SEP), spawing after the War. However how much it affected political life in Norgsveldet was uncertain. After the reelection of Ragnar Aasen in 1969 Norgsveldet was dragged into war, after Tiereshs Nationalist militias declared Tiervan independenceindependet from Norgsveldet. Agnir Hansen’s was defeated in 1972 by the NCP leader Jakop Storhaug, for his failure at dealing with the Tieresh nationalists, with the NCP critizing him for early loses in the war and to relaxed diplomacy with East Cerdani that was supporting the Tieresh Nationalists. With Jakop however being replaced as party leader in 1981, that same year Norgsveldet, New Legans, Dvalheim and Eyjaria made the international organisation called the [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances]] or "Union av Sammenveld Alianser" in Norgsveltian, which is an millitary and economic alliance. The alliance was made mainly to strengthen Norgsveldet economic power after the bloody war against Tiervan in the [[Tieresh Independence War]] ended with a loss with only keeping the small nation of Dvalheim as a puppet in the region, however ended up giving independence to other colonies like [[Meremaa]] in North Gondwana. In 1984 Queen Magrete I was assasinated by far left terrorist from Socialist Einarism Party. Which the then prime minister Ivar used as an reason to pass an law banning said party, and any far left party. Causing for many from the [[NCP]] voterbase turn to Labour Party leader Magrete Kverheim in the 1985 election, in which she formed an Grand coalition with the Asatru Democrats and Liberal National Party. [[Magrete Kverheim]] pushing for stronger and more independent economic policies, on which she pushed forth the creation of [[North Concordian Economic Forum]] as way to combatan South Hill's economic influnce in the North Concord. The 1990s also was filled with controversies, in 1992 crown prince Sigurd was forced by his father to give up his title and give it to his younger brother. Crown prince Sigurd was caught red handed in involving himself in politics with sending funds to the Imperial Union party, an far right monarchist party that split away from the NUP after the NUP was banned in 1989 for its hirdist sympathies. However crown prince Olav was also caught in controvery when people found out about his relationship with an neko immigrant, however with mostly support from the working class and middle class this controversy calmed down. He was finnaly allowed to marry his wife at 1997 when he was avaible to convince his father to allow it, his father being mostly against it simply for his traditional view that royals should marry royals or upper class citizens. With Magrete Kverheim having given her public support to the Crown Prince. Norgsveldet was also dragged into the [[Meremaa Civil War]] (1990-1994) after the republican forces attacked an Asatru temple and Morstaybishlia officaly supported the republicans, after disagreements in the goverment and the [[Asatru Democrats]] pressured that they would leave the coalition. Norgsveldet supported monarchist side in the civil war. After the victory of the monarchists gave Norgsveldet greater standing in geopolitical affairs abroad but has put as a standing point of continued Morstaybishlian-Norgsveltian rivalries. The matter of the civil war still being controversial matter when talking about Norgsveltian and Morstaybishlian relations, because of said rivalries. The leader of the republican forces, [[Tyr Vaines]], getting executed for treason after the war.
===The Shaken Peace (1994-2020)===