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Bordering Nakosa with Helslandr and Pledonia is the Plelsakan Mountan range, spanning nearly the entire west border of Nakosa, apart from a medium sized gap in the centre of the border of Nakosa and Helslandr.
==== Mt BakkemanBakkemann ====
Nakosa's largest mountain, however, exists near the eastern border in a small region of land called the 'Blabel Plains', famous throughout the nation for it's stunningly high hills and beautiful forests. Known by locals as 'BakkemanBakkemann' or, translated literally, 'Hill Man', Mt BakkemanBakkemann stands at 3,164 metres tall.<br />
[[Ademarism]] legend has it, after God-on-urth's physical form was slayed, that one bit of essence from the physical form was carried away and accidentally spread on a human, who became a demigod. The Angels, worried that the human would rise up against them, turned him to stone, and he became Mt Bakkemann.