Module:Convert: Difference between revisions

(update from sandbox per Template talk:Convert#Module version 14)
(update from sandbox per Template talk:Convert#Module version 15)
Line 606:
local function make_per(unitcode, unit_table, ulookup)
-- Return true, t where t is a per unit with unit codes expanded to unit tables,
-- or return false, t where t is an error message table.
local result = { utype = unit_table.utype, per = {} }
unitcode = unitcode,
utype = unit_table.utype,
per = {}
override_from(result, unit_table, { 'invert', 'iscomplex', 'default', 'link', 'symbol', 'symlink' })
result.symbol_raw = (result.symbol or false) -- to distinguish between a defined exception and a metatable calculation
Line 675 ⟶ 679:
unitcode = unitcode:gsub('_', ' '):gsub(' ', ' '):gsub(' +', ' ')
local function call_make_per(t)
return make_per(unitcode, t,
function (ucode) return lookup(parms, ucode, 'no_combination', utable, fails, depth) end
local t = utable[unitcode]
if t then
Line 696 ⟶ 705:
if t.per then
return call_make_per(t)
return make_per(t, function (ucode) return lookup(parms, ucode, 'no_combination', utable, fails, depth) end)
local combo = t.combination -- nil or a table of unitcodes
Line 716 ⟶ 725:
local result = shallow_copy(t)
result.unitcode = unitcode
if result.prefixes then
result.si_name = ''
Line 734 ⟶ 744:
if t and t.prefixes then
local result = shallow_copy(t)
result.unitcode = unitcode
result.si_name = parms.opt_sp_us and si.name_us or
result.si_prefix = si.prefix or prefix
Line 754 ⟶ 765:
local success, result = lookup(parms, baseunit, 'no_combination', utable, fails, depth)
if success and not (result.offset or result.builtin or result.engscale) then
result.unitcode = unitcode -- 'e6cuft' not 'cuft'
result.defkey = unitcode -- key to lookup default exception
result.engscale = engscale
Line 814 ⟶ 826:
-- Engineering notation (apart from at start and which has been stripped before here),
-- is not supported so do not make a per unit if find text like 'e3' in unitcode.
local success, result = make_percall_make_per({ per = {top, bottom} }, function (ucode) return lookup(parms, ucode, 'no_combination', utable, fails, depth) end)
if success then
return true, result
Line 1,666 ⟶ 1,678:
local function get_composite(parms, iparm, in_unit_table)
-- Look for a composite input unit. For example, "{{convert|1|yd|2|ft|3|in}}"
-- would result in a call to this function with
-- iparm = 3 (parms[iparm] = "2", just after the first unit)
Line 1,828 ⟶ 1,840:
if parms.abbr then
if parms.abbr == 'unit' then
parms.abbr = 'on'
parms.number_word = true
parms.abbr_org = parms.abbr -- original abbr, before any flip
elseif parms.opt_hand_hh then
Line 1,834 ⟶ 1,850:
parms.abbr = 'out' -- default is to abbreviate output only (use symbol, not name)
if parms.opt_order_out then
-- Disable options that do not work in a useful way with order=out.
parms.opt_flip = nil -- override adj=flip
parms.opt_spell_in = nil
parms.opt_spell_out = nil
parms.opt_spell_upper = nil
if parms.opt_spell_out and not abbr_entered then
Line 1,999 ⟶ 2,022:
-- The valid_value is not negative and does not use a fraction, and
-- no options requiring further processing of the input are used.
-- Otherwise, return nothing andor callerreturn willfalse, reparseparm1 for caller theto inputinterpret.
-- Testing shows this function is successful for 96% of converts in articles,
-- and that on average it speeds up converts by 8%.
if parms.opt_ri or parms.opt_spell_in then return end
local clean = to_en(strip(parms[1] or ''), parms)
if #clean > 10 or not clean:match('^[0-9.]+$') then return end
return false, clean
local value = tonumber(clean)
if not value then return end
Line 2,060 ⟶ 2,085:
if parms.test == 'wikidata' then
local ulookup = function (ucode)
-- Use empty table for parms so it does not accummulateaccumulate results when used repeatedly.
return lookup({}, ucode, 'no_combination')
Line 2,073 ⟶ 2,098:
local success, i, in_unit, in_unit_table = simple_get_values(parms)
if not success then
if type(i) == 'string' and i:match('^NNN+$') then
-- Some infoboxes have examples like {{convert|NNN|m}} (3 or more "N").
-- Output an empty string for these.
return false, { 'cvt_no_output' }
local valinfo
success, valinfo, i = get_values(parms)
Line 2,490 ⟶ 2,520:
-- is "1", or like "1.00", or is a fraction with value < 1;
-- (and more fields shown below, and a calculated 'absvalue' field).
-- or return true, nil if no value specified;
-- or return false, t where t is an error message table.
-- Input info.clean uses en digits (it has been translated, if necessary).
-- Output show uses en or non-en digits as appropriate, or can be spelled.
local invalue
if info then
invalue = info.value
if in_current.builtin == 'hand' then
invalue = info.altvalue
if invalue == nil or invalue == '' then
return true, nil
if out_current.builtin == 'hand' then
return cvt_to_hand(parms, info, in_current, out_current)
local invalue = in_current.builtin == 'hand' and info.altvalue or info.value
local outvalue, extra = convert(parms, invalue, info, in_current, out_current)
if parms.need_table_or_sort then
Line 2,777 ⟶ 2,797:
local linked_pages -- to record linked pages so will not link to the same page more than once
local function make_linkunlink(link, id, link_keyunit_table)
-- Forget that the given unit has previously been linked (if it has).
-- That is needed when processing a range of inputs or outputs when an id
-- for the first range value may have been evaluated, but only an id for
-- the last value is displayed, and that id may need to be linked.
linked_pages[unit_table.unitcode or unit_table] = nil
local function make_link(link, id, unit_table)
-- Return wikilink "[[link|id]]", possibly abbreviated as in examples:
-- [[Mile|mile]] --> [[mile]]
Line 2,784 ⟶ 2,812:
-- * no link given (so caller does not need to check if a link was defined); or
-- * link has previously been used during the current convert (to avoid overlinking).
local link_key
-- Linking with a unit uses the unit table as the link key, which fails to detect
if unit_table then
-- overlinking for conversions like the following (each links "mile" twice):
link_key = unit_table.unitcode or unit_table
-- {{convert|1|impgal/mi|USgal/mi|lk=on}}
-- {{convert|1|l/km|impgal/mi USgal/mi|lk=on}}
link_key = link
link_key = link_key or link -- use key if given (the key, but not the link, may be known when need to cancel a link record)
if not link or link == '' or linked_pages[link_key] then
return id
Line 3,077 ⟶ 3,106:
local inout = unit_table.inout
local abbr = parms.abbr
if (abbr == 'on' or abbr == inout) and not parms.number_word then = ..
'<span style="margin-left:0.2em">×<span style="margin-left:0.1em">' ..
Line 3,184 ⟶ 3,213:
local range = parms.range
if range and not add_unit then
linked_pages[first_unit] = nil -- so the final and only id will be linked, if wanted
local id = range and make_id(parms, range.n + 1, first_unit) or id1
Line 3,221 ⟶ 3,250:
-- Processing required for each output unit.
-- Return block of text to represent output (value/unit).
local inout = out_current.inout -- normally 'out' but can be 'in' for order=out
local id1, want_name = make_id(parms, 1, out_current)
local sep = out_current.sep -- set by make_id
Line 3,242 ⟶ 3,272:
if range then
-- For simplicity and because more not needed, handle one range item only.
result = range_text(range[1], want_name, parms, result, prefix .. valinfo[2].show, 'out'inout)
return preunit .. result
Line 3,251 ⟶ 3,281:
local range = parms.range
if range and not add_unit then
linked_pages[out_current] = nil -- so the final and only id will be linked, if wanted
local id = range and make_id(parms, range.n + 1, out_current) or id1
local extra, was_hyphenated = hyphenated_maybe(parms, want_name, sep, id, 'out'inout)
if was_hyphenated then
add_unit = false
Line 3,275 ⟶ 3,305:
result = show
result = range_text(range[i], want_name, parms, result, show, 'out'inout)
Line 3,292 ⟶ 3,322:
-- for a single output (which is not a combination or a multiple);
-- or return false, t where t is an error message table.
if parms.opt_order_out and in_unit_table.unitcode == out_unit_table.unitcode then
out_unit_table.valinfo = collection()
out_unit_table.valinfo = in_unit_table.valinfo
local range = parms.range
for i = 1, (range and (range.n + 1) or 1) do
out_unit_table.valinfo = collection()
local success, info = cvtround(parms, in_unit_table.valinfo[i], in_unit_table, out_unit_table)
for _, v in ipairs(in_unit_table.valinfo) do
if not success then return false, info end
local success, info = cvtround(parms, v, in_unit_table, out_unit_table)
if not success then return false, info end
return true, process_one_output(parms, out_unit_table)
Line 3,306 ⟶ 3,339:
-- for an output which is a multiple (like 'ftin');
-- or return false, t where t is an error message table.
local inout = out_unit_table.inout -- normally 'out' but can be 'in' for order=out
local multiple = out_unit_table.multiple -- table of scaling factors (will not be nil)
local combos = out_unit_table.combination -- table of unit tables (will not be nil)
Line 3,312 ⟶ 3,346:
local disp = parms.disp
local want_name = (abbr_org == nil and (disp == 'or' or disp == 'slash')) or
not (abbr == 'on' or abbr == 'out'inout or abbr == 'mos')
local want_link = ( == 'on' or == 'out'inout)
local mid = parms.opt_flip and parms.mid or ''
local sep1 = '&nbsp;'
Line 3,329 ⟶ 3,363:
local tfrac, thisvalue, strforce
local out_current = combos[i]
out_current.inout = 'out'inout
local scale = multiple[i]
if i == 1 then -- least significant unit ('in' from 'ftin')
Line 3,411 ⟶ 3,445:
local strval
local inoutspell_inout = (i == #combos or outvalue == 0) and 'out'inout or '' -- trick so the last value processed (first displayed) has uppercase, if requested
if strforce and outvalue == 0 then
sign = '' -- any sign is in strforce
Line 3,417 ⟶ 3,451:
elseif tfrac then
local wholestr = (thisvalue > 0) and tostring(thisvalue) or nil
strval = format_fraction(parms, inoutspell_inout, false, wholestr, tfrac.numstr, tfrac.denstr, do_spell)
strval = (thisvalue == 0) and from_en('0') or with_separator(parms, format(fmt, thisvalue))
if do_spell then
strval = spell_number(parms, inoutspell_inout, strval) or strval
Line 3,444 ⟶ 3,478:
local success, result2 = make_result(valinfo[i+1])
if not success then return false, result2 end
result = range_text(range[i], want_name, parms, result, result2, 'out'inout)
Line 3,456 ⟶ 3,490:
local success, bad_output
local bad_input_mcode = in_unit_table.bad_mcode -- nil if input unit is a valid convert unit
local invalue1 = in_unit_table.valinfo[1].value
local out_unit = parms.out_unit
if out_unit == nil or out_unit == '' then
Line 3,462 ⟶ 3,495:
bad_output = ''
success, out_unit = get_default(invalue1in_unit_table.valinfo[1].value, in_unit_table)
parms.out_unit = out_unit
if not success then
Line 3,480 ⟶ 3,513:
local lhs, rhs
local flipped = parms.opt_flip and not bad_input_mcode
if bad_output then
local parts = {}
rhs = (bad_output == '') and '' or message(parms, bad_output)
for part = 1, 2 do
elseif parms.opt_input_unit_only then
-- The LHS (parts[1]) is normally the input, but is the output if flipped.
rhs = ''
-- Process LHS first so it will be linked, if wanted.
-- Linking to the same item is suppressed in the RHS to avoid overlinking.
iflocal (partcombos == 1-- andnil not(for 'ft' or flipped'ftin'), or (parttable ==of 2unit andtables flipped)(for then'm ft')
if not out_unit_table.multiple then -- nil/false ('ft' or 'm ft'), or table of factors ('ftin')
parts[part] = process_input(parms, in_unit_table)
combos = out_unit_table.combination
elseif bad_output then
parts[part] = (bad_output == '') and '' or message(parms, bad_output)
local frac = parms.frac -- nil or denominator of fraction for output values
if frac then
local outputs = {}
local-- combosApply fraction --to nilthe unit (forif 'ft'only or 'ftin'one), or tableto ofnon-SI unit tablesunits (forif 'ma ft'combination),
-- except that if a precision is also specified, the fraction only applies to
if not out_unit_table.multiple then -- nil/false ('ft' or 'm ft'), or table of factors ('ftin')
-- the hand unit; that allows the following result:
combos = out_unit_table.combination
-- {{convert|156|cm|in hand|1|frac=2}} → 156 centimetres (61.4 in; 15.1½ hands)
-- However, the following is handled elsewhere as a special case:
local frac = parms.frac -- nil or denominator of fraction for output values
-- {{convert|156|cm|hand in|1|frac=2}} → 156 centimetres (15.1½ hands; 61½ in)
if frac then
if combos then
-- Apply fraction to the unit (if only one), or to non-SI units (if a combination),
local precision = parms.precision
-- except that if a precision is also specified, the fraction only applies to
--for the hand_, unit; that allows thein followingipairs(combos) result:do
if unit.builtin == 'hand' or (not precision and not unit.prefixes) then
-- {{convert|156|cm|in hand|1|frac=2}} → 156 centimetres (61.4 in; 15.1½ hands)
unit.frac = frac
-- However, the following is handled elsewhere as a special case:
-- {{convert|156|cm|hand in|1|frac=2}} → 156 centimetres (15.1½ hands; 61½ in)
if combos then
local precision = parms.precision
for _, unit in ipairs(combos) do
if unit.builtin == 'hand' or (not precision and not unit.prefixes) then
unit.frac = frac
out_unit_table.frac = frac
out_unit_table.frac = frac
local out_first
local outputs = {}
local imax = combos and #combos or 1 -- 1 (single unit) or number of unit tables
local imax = combos and #combos or 1 -- 1 (single unit) or number of unit tables
for i = 1, imax do
if imax == 1 then
local success, item
parms.opt_order_out = nil -- only useful with an output combination
local out_current = combos and combos[i] or out_unit_table
out_current.inout = 'out'
if inot ==flipped 1and not parms.opt_order_out then
-- Process left side first so any duplicate links (from lk=on) are suppressed
out_first = out_current
-- on right. Example: {{convert|28|e9pc|e9ly|abbr=off|lk=on}}
if imax > 1 and out_current.builtin == 'hand' then
lhs = process_input(parms, in_unit_table)
out_current.out_next = combos[2] -- built-in hand can influence next unit in a combination
for i = 1, imax do
local success, item
local out_current = combos and combos[i] or out_unit_table
out_current.inout = 'out'
if i == 1 then
if imax > 1 and out_current.builtin == 'hand' then
out_current.out_next = combos[2] -- built-in hand can influence next unit in a combination
if out_currentparms.multipleopt_order_out then
out_current.inout = 'in'
success, item = make_output_multiple(parms, in_unit_table, out_current)
success, item = make_output_single(parms, in_unit_table, out_current)
if not success then return false, item end
table.insert(outputs, item)
if parmsout_current.opt_input_unit_onlymultiple then
success, item = make_output_multiple(parms, in_unit_table, out_current)
parts[part] = ''
success, item = make_output_single(parms, in_unit_table, out_current)
local sep = parms.table_joins and parms.table_joins[2] or parms.join_between
parts[part] = table.concat(outputs, sep)
if not success then return false, item end
outputs[i] = item
if parms.opt_order_out then
lhs = outputs[1]
table.remove(outputs, 1)
local sep = parms.table_joins and parms.table_joins[2] or parms.join_between
rhs = table.concat(outputs, sep)
if flipped or not lhs then
local input = process_input(parms, in_unit_table)
if flipped then
lhs = rhs
rhs = input
lhs = input
if parms.join_before then
parts[1]lhs = parms.join_before .. parts[1]lhs
local wikitext
if bad_input_mcode then
if bad_input_mcode == '' then
wikitext = parts[1]lhs
wikitext = parts[1]lhs .. message(parms, bad_input_mcode)
elseif parms.table_joins then
wikitext = parms.table_joins[1] .. parts[1]lhs .. parms.table_joins[2] .. parts[2]rhs
wikitext = parts[1]lhs .. parms.joins[1] .. parts[2]rhs .. parms.joins[2]
if parms.warnings and not bad_input_mcode then
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