Module:Citation/CS1/Date validation: Difference between revisions

synch from sandbox;
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local is_set, in_array; -- imported functionfunctions from selected Module:Citation/CS1/Utilities
local cfg; -- table of tables imported from slected Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration
--[=[-------------------------< I S _ V A L I D _ A C C E S S D A T E >----------------------------------------
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local function get_month_number (month)
return cfg.date_names['local'].long[month] or cfg.date_names['local'].short[month] or -- look for local names first
local long_months = {['January']=1, ['February']=2, ['March']=3, ['April']=4, ['May']=5, ['June']=6, ['July']=7, ['August']=8, ['September']=9, ['October']=10, ['November']=11, ['December']=12};
cfg.date_names['en'].long[month] or cfg.date_names['en'].short[month] or -- failing that, look for English names
local short_months = {['Jan']=1, ['Feb']=2, ['Mar']=3, ['Apr']=4, ['May']=5, ['Jun']=6, ['Jul']=7, ['Aug']=8, ['Sep']=9, ['Oct']=10, ['Nov']=11, ['Dec']=12};
return long_months[month] or 0; -- ifnot montha isrecognized the long-formmonth name
short_months[month] or -- if month is the short-form name
0; -- misspelled, improper case, or not a month name
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returns a number according to the sequence of seasons in a year: 1 for Winter, etc. Capitalization and spelling must be correct. If not a valid season, returns 0
Uses ISO DIS 8601 2016 part 2 §4.7 Divisions of a year for hemishpere-independent seasons:
21-24 = Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, independent of “Hemisphere”
These additional divisions not currently supported:
25-28 = Spring - Northern Hemisphere, Summer- Northern Hemisphere, Autumn - Northern Hemisphere, Winter - Northern Hemisphere
29-32 = Spring – Southern Hemisphere, Summer– Southern Hemisphere, Autumn – Southern Hemisphere, Winter - Southern Hemisphere
33-36 = Quarter 1, Quarter 2, Quarter 3, Quarter 4 (3 months each)
37-39 = Quadrimester 1, Quadrimester 2, Quadrimester 3 (4 months each)
40-41 = Semestral 1, Semestral-2 (6 months each)
local function get_season_number (season)
return cfg.date_names['local'].season[season] or -- look for local names first
local season_list = {['Winter']=21, ['Spring']=22, ['Summer']=23, ['Fall']=24, ['Autumn']=24}; -- make sure these numbers do not overlap month numbers
cfg.date_names['en'].season[season] or -- failing that, look for English names
local temp;
return 0; -- misspelled, improper case, or not a recognized season name
if temp then return temp; end -- if season is a valid name return its number
return 0; -- misspelled, improper case, or not a season name
Line 106 ⟶ 113:
local function is_proper_name (name)
return cfg.date_names['local'].named[name] or -- look for local names dates first
local name_list = {['Christmas']=31}
cfg.date_names['en'].named[name] or -- failing that, look for English names
local temp;
0; -- not a recognized named date
if temp then return temp; end -- if name is a valid name return its number
return 0; -- misspelled, improper case, or not a proper name
Line 211 ⟶ 216:
Month pairs are expected to be left to right, earliest to latest in time.
All season ranges are accepted as valid because there are publishers out there who have published a Summer–Spring YYYY issue so ... ok
Similarly, seasons are also left to right, earliest to latest in time. There is an oddity with seasons: winter is assigned a value of 1, spring 2, ...,
fall and autumn 4. Because winter can follow fall/autumn at the end of a calender year, a special test is made to see if |date=Fall-Winter yyyy (4-1) is the date.
Line 221 ⟶ 225:
if 0 == range_start_number then -- is this a month range?
local range_start_number = get_season_number (range_start); -- not a month; is it a season? get start season number
range_end_number = get_season_number (range_end); -- get end season number
if (0 ~= range_start_number) then --and is(0 start~= ofrange_end_number) range a season?then
return true; -- any season pairing is accepted
if range_start_number < range_end_number then -- range_start is a season
return true; -- return true when range_end is also a season and follows start season; else false
if 24 == range_start_number and 21 == range_end_number then -- special case when season range is Fall-Winter or Autumn-Winter
return true;
return false; -- range_start is not a month and/or a season; or range_start is a season and range_end is not; or impropera season sequence
0; -- misspelled,here improperwhen case,range_start or notis a month name
range_end_number = get_month_number (range_end); -- get end month number
if range_start_number < range_end_number then -- range_start is a month; does range_start precede range_end?
Line 366 ⟶ 365:
if 12 < tonumber(month) or 1 > tonumber(month) or 1582 > tonumber(year) or 0 == tonumber(day) then return false; end -- month or day number not valid or not Gregorian calendar
anchor_year = year;
elseif date_string:match("^%a+ +[1-9]%d?, +[1-9]%d%d%d%a?$") then -- month-initial: month day, year
month, day, anchor_year, year=string.match(date_string, "(%a+)%s*(%d%d?),%s*((%d%d%d%d?)%a?)");
month = get_month_number (month);
if 0 == month then return false; end -- return false if month text isn't one of the twelve months
Line 381 ⟶ 379:
elseif date_string:match("^[1-9]%d? +%a+ +[1-9]%d%d%d%a?$") then -- day-initial: day month year
day, month, anchor_year, year=string.match(date_string, "(%d%d*)%s*(%a+)%s*((%d%d%d%d?)%a?)");
month = get_month_number (month);
if 0 == month then return false; end -- return false if month text isn't one of the twelve months
Line 400 ⟶ 398:
elseif mw.ustring.match(date_string, "^%a+ +[1-9]%d? [%-–] %a+ +[1-9]%d?, +[1-9]%d%d%d?%a?$") then -- month initial month-day-range: month day – month day, year; uses spaced endash
month, day, month2, day2, anchor_year, year=mw.ustring.match(date_string, "(%a+) +(%d%d?) [%-–] (%a+) +(%d%d?), +((%d%d%d%d)%a?)");
if (not is_valid_month_season_range(month, month2)) or not is_valid_year(year) then return false; end
Line 408 ⟶ 406:
elseif mw.ustring.match(date_string, "^[1-9]%d? +%a+ +[1-9]%d%d%d [%-–] [1-9]%d? +%a+ +[1-9]%d%d%d%a?$") then -- day initial month-day-year-range: day month year - day month year; uses spaced endash
day, month, year, day2, month2, anchor_year, year2=mw.ustring.match(date_string, "(%d%d?) +(%a+) +(%d%d%d%d?) [%-–] (%d%d?) +(%a+) +((%d%d%d%d?)%a?)");
if tonumber(year2) <= tonumber(year) then return false; end -- must be sequential years, left to right, earlier to later
if not is_valid_year(year2) or not is_valid_month_range_style(month, month2) then return false; end -- year2 no more than one year in the future; months same style
Line 662 ⟶ 660:
local source_patterns = { -- this table holds patterns that match allowed date formats used to extract date components
['dmy'] = '^(%d%d?)%s+(%a+)%s+(%d%d%d%d)$',
['mdy'] = '^(%a+)%s+(%d%d?),%s+(%d%d%d%d)$',
['ymd'] = '^(%d%d%d%d)%-(%d%d)-(%d%d)$',
Line 723 ⟶ 721:
Date ranges, season dates, proper name dates are not currently supported.
For i18n: This code works only at because doesn't support any languages other than English.
mw.getContentLanguage():formatDate() will work at non-English wikis only when the date format is yyyy-mm-dd. This is
the same issue that plagues is_valid_accessdate()
It is possible that a solution like that written for ht:Module:Citation/CS1/Date_validation date_name_xlate() could be applied to this problem
Line 736 ⟶ 740:
for param_name, param_val in pairs (date_parameters_list) do -- for each date-holding parameter in the list
if is_set (param_val) then -- if the parameter has a value
if not all and in_array (param_name, {'access-date', 'archive-date'}) then -- if access- or archive-date and format not xxx-all
param_val = ''; -- set to empty string so we don't process this date
for source, pattern in pairs (source_patterns) do
if param_val:match (pattern) then
if 'ymd' == source then
get_ymd_date_parts (param_val, source_date); -- get the date parts into the source_date table
Line 791 ⟶ 795:
return result; -- so we know if any hyphens were replaced
--[[-------------------------< D A T E _ N A M E _ X L A T E >------------------------------------------------
Attempts to translate English month names to local-language month names using names supplied by MediaWiki's
date parser function. This is simple name-for-name replacement and may not work for all languages.
local function date_name_xlate (date_parameters_list)
local tempxlate;
local mode; -- long or short month names
local modified = false;
local tempdate;
for param_name, param_val in pairs(date_parameters_list) do -- for each date-holding parameter in the list
if is_set(param_val) then -- if the parameter has a value
date = param_val;
for month in mw.ustring.gmatch (date, '%a+') do -- iterate through all dates in the date (single date or date range)
if cfg.date_names.en.long[month] then
mode = 'F'; -- English name is long so use long local name
elseif cfg.date_names.en.short[month] then
mode = 'M'; -- English name is short so use short local name
mode = nil; -- not an English month name; could be local language month name or an English season name
if mode then -- might be a season
xlate = mw.getContentLanguage():formatDate(mode, '1' .. month); -- translate the month name to this local language
date = mw.ustring.gsub (date, month, xlate); -- replace the English with the translation
date_parameters_list[param_name] = date; -- save the translated date
return modified = true;
return modified;
Line 801 ⟶ 845:
local function set_selected_modules (cfg_table_ptr, utilities_page_ptr)
is_set = utilities_page_ptr.is_set; -- import functions from selectselected Module:Citation/CS1/Utilities module
in_array = utilities_page_ptr.in_array; -- import functions from selectselected Module:Citation/CS1/Utilities module
cfg = cfg_table_ptr; -- import tables from selected Module:Citation/CS1/Configuration
Line 813 ⟶ 858:
reformat_dates = reformat_dates,
date_hyphen_to_dash = date_hyphen_to_dash,
date_name_xlate = date_name_xlate,
set_selected_modules = set_selected_modules
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