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| leader_title1 = Grand Marshal
| leader_title1 = Grand Marshal
| leader_name1 = Nathaniel O'Fahr
| leader_name1 = Nathaniel O'Fahr
| leader_title2 = Army Marshal
| leader_title2 = Field Marshal
| leader_name2 = John O'Caelin
| leader_name2 = Aine Caelin
| leader_title3 = Navy Marshal
| leader_title3 = Navy Marshal
| leader_name3 = Jack O'Reddin
| leader_name3 = Jack O'Reddin

Revision as of 10:00, 14 July 2020

This page (or section) is a work in progress by its author(s) and should not be considered final.
The Secular Republic of Meagharia

Flag of Meagharia
Motto: True Soldiers Know No god
Anthem: The Soldiers Song
Status<At Peace>
Ethnic groups
State Atheist
GovernmentUnitary Democratic Stratocracy
• Grand Marshal
Nathaniel O'Fahr
• Field Marshal
Aine Caelin
• Navy Marshal
Jack O'Reddin
• Air Marshal
Milina O'Gier
LegislatureCenturions Assembly
• Meagharian Civil War
• The Antitheist Proscriptions
• Estimate
15 million
GDP (PPP)estimate
• Per capita
420.7 billion
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Per capita
CurrencyPhoenixes (PHX)

Meagharia officially The Secular Republic of Meagharia is a Unitary Strocratic Democracy in Novaris. The country has a population of 15 million and a dry summer climate. The nation is currently working to recover from its long civil war.



The landmass that now contains Meagharia was originally settled by the followers of a religious movement known as the Milofites that was founded in the Sea Faring Kingdom of Durdneel. They beleived in a Supeme God called Milof, who commanded them to follow strict rules in society, such as forcing Women into a submissive role, and wished to structure society so the so-called voices of Milof, known as the Holy Council, could rule over the people. This attitude became unpopular and fights between milofites and the other Durdneelians, and eventually this led to the High King of Durdneel, by the name of Brual the Hound, gathering some forces and banishing the Milofites, giving them enough boats and supplies for them to leave Durdneel.

Hopping from colony to colony the Milofites eventually found their way to Novaris where the non-milofite hired captain made first landfall. Upon arrival the Milofite leaders formed a religious council and established a practically feudal system where different religious authorities would control different parts of the occupied territory. In the south of the island there were several native city states. Using their superior technology the Milofites managed to convince the city states to accept the new nation of Holy Milofia. The nation is estimated to have been founded in 1634.

Meagharite Revolt

In 1727 the Abbot-General of Gier, the ruler most densely populated agricultural region of Milofia died and was replaced with a young priest by the name of Niall Meaghar. From that day forward he would be known as Father Meaghar. For the first 20 years of his reign Father Meaghar was a standard priest running the affairs of the province competently and balancing the religious and secular affairs of the province. However Father Meaghar spent a large amount of his time thinking about theology and theorizing on the way that the machinations of Milof functioned. Eventually while comparing lines in the Milofite Holy Text he realized that it was full of contradictions that seemingly were only there to benefit the priestly caste. This alone tested his faith but he managed to justify it to himself at least. This all changed when he was forced to take his group of Warrior Monks to put down a peasant revolt. He was inspired by their tenaciousness in fighting but he did finish off those peasants that were revolting. This moment would still change the priests life forever.

Father Meaghar began writing philosophy divorced from the Milofite religious principles. He came to theorize that society had been artificially been divided into two groups, Civilians and Soldiers. In his philosophy, The Soldier was naturally the group of people who collectively were most suited to run society as they had attained the discipline to be able to ascertain the best way society should run. Civilians on the other hand while they have the potential for discipline from the labor that they have to undergo they have not gained the proper wisdom to lead. He also theorized that this artificial divide is created by a priestly caste to allow them to provide their own answers for how society should be run independent of the human mind,and ideally the Soldier Caste and the Civilian Caste would be combined into the Veterans, people made wise through discipline to be able to rule themselves successfully.

Over the course of several years he managed to spread his philosophy throughout first his Order of Warrior Monks and then to the local priesthood he was in charge of. Eventually the peasantry had begun to embrace this ideology and Father Meaghar began training them into an army under his command. After this was prepared Father Meaghar declared war on the Council in charge of the kingdom. Father Meaghar's army began advancing on the Holy City of Milof (Now Burnside). The first several armies that Father Meaghars grand army faced were destroyed by the discipline of his peasant levies much to their shock. But when the army arrived at the Grand Walls of the Holy City they began to falter. While the city was under siege more Milofite armies attacked them slowly wearing down their numbers until eventually the Army within the walls of the Holy city sallied forth and finished off their army. Father Meaghar himself was captured, with the three highest members of the priestly council personally executing him with three knives piercing the Heresiarch's heart and burning his body to leave nothing for any of his surviving followers to potentially revere.

Civil War

While the Milofite orthodoxy had made every attempt to erase Father Meaghar's entire philosophy they were not able to erase everything. Father Meaghar had sent copies of his writings to many of the other priests in the realm and some had agreed with his ideas. Because of this many portions of his ideology had survived in private collections throughout Milofia. In the 1960s the theocracy began loosening and and modernizing to abolish the feudal system in preparation for opening up to the outside world, beginning to build up what limited industry there was already. Unfortunately for the theists this loosening gave the hidden Meagharites an oppurtunity to gain followers. Over the course of the 1970s Meagharite philosophy became more popular in the fast growing cities. They were planning a revolution.

Chief among these revolutionaries was Colonel Burnside. An officer in the new Milofian army he had a lot of influence. He would build up his power with the center of his influence being in the city of Sherman named after the captain who had originally shepherded the Milofites to Milofia. With the industry being built up in the city Sherman was beginning to eclipse the Holy City in population. Burnside would make his move in 1982 taking over the city of Sherman quickly. This initial revolt began a series of successive revolts throughout the country everywhere except the Holy City itself where the blood of Father Meaghar still stained the city center. Churches and Cathedrals were torn down and burned throughout the nation. Eventually Colonel Burnside, now calling himself the Grand Marshal of the Meagharite Cause was forced out of the city of Sherman to continue a Guerrilla fight in the countryside. It was here that one of the most horrifying policies of the Meagharites during the civil war began, the enlistment of children as soldiers. An entire generation of Meagharite children were raised to be soldiers leaving scars upon the nation that would never heal.

Meanwhile the Meagharites were beginning to gain ground from being a mere countryside insurrection to a fully proper fighting force. As the Grand Marshal began turning more of the smaller towns to his side he began planning to take back Sherman. Assembling a new army from across the country he planned his assault. Managing to get through the fortifications and open them up to the Meagharite forces they still faced fierce resistance from the theist soldiers. The Grand Marshal Himself was killed in the struggle but the zeal of his army was such that the city had fallen by the time that it was realized. Burnside's body was preserved and would later be displayed in the Hall of the Centurions Assembly.

With the death of the Grand Marshal the Meagharites needed a new leader, the young General Nathaniel O'Fahr stepped up to be the new Grand Marshal in 2010 with the death of the Grand Marshal. The capture of Sherman would signal the point when every advancement of the war's front would be one of Meagharite progress and Milofite retreat. However it would still take time for the now majority supportive population to be organized from just being a Guerilla mob to being a proper Army. Over the course of the next 8 years the Meagharites would consolidate their hold over the country finishing off the final Theist strongholds before finally attacking the Holy City of Milof. After a year of siege the city was finally breached. The Meagharites began wreaking destruction on the old city destroying the many churches and cathedrals in the enormous urban environment. The Theist Councils Palace, was breached, with the first solder to breach the complex famously being the 11 year old Mary McKinley who would later go into politics when the first elections were held. Upon the storming of the palace the leaders of the Council were captured with their attendants being executed on the spot. With this the Civil War was finally over and the new Nation of Meagharia could begin to rebuild. The Holy City of Milof would be renamed after the first Grand Marshal to Burnside.

