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Mauism is the majority religion in [[the Oan Isles]], [[Asian Pacific Islands]] and the [[Kohatu Isles]]. It is practiced by small communities of Oan expatriates and descendants living in [[Great Morstaybishlia|Morstaybishlian]] and other [[Aurora|Auroran]] countries.
Mauism originates around 1000 years ago, when Ahua the Great united the Polynesian Peoples and became the [[Emperor of Polynesia]]. It is regarded as a branch of [[Thaerism]], but it diverges so heavily from the main tenets of ThaerismMainland, Reformed and otherValerian Abrahamic/Thaeristic religionsThaerism that some scholars believe that it is a different religious branch altogether - a claim which Polynesian scholars and spiritual leaders vehemently deny. In fact, they do not use the name Mauism but prefer the Insular Thaerism.
== History ==
