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Legally, the Presidency is considered to be “vacant.” General Fyodorovich is instead referred to officially as the “Head of State,” a position said to be provisional “until order can be restored,” at which time Fyodorovich claims there will be elections. No date for elections has been scheduled. The National Assembly is a rump body consisting of a few dozen surviving Assembly Representatives who are almost entirely loyal to Fyodorovich and who are a rubber stamp at this point. Internationally,The Rusanru'aState receivesDirectoral supportCouncil fromfor alliedPeace countriesand suchOrder is not an officially incorporated body but functions as [[Packilvania]],a [[Kyrloth]],quasi-executive-legislative body that has issued both executive orders and [[Kæra'zna]]amendments to statute law. RelationsAll withexecutive [[Volkia]]orders haveissued markedlyby improvedthe government since the coup have been issued in the name of the State Council rather than from Fyodorovich specifically, thoughand relationsFyodorovich withhas stated publicly that his position as Chief of Staff of the Army is "considered subordinate to" the State Council, of which he serves as the chair "unrelated to [[Blaskog]his] position as Chief of Staff." Major national infrastructure such as railways, the national hospital system, and [[Nystatiszna]]most utility companies and telecommunications providers have souredbeen nationalized and integrated directly into the military chain of command, and the stated goal of the State Council is for all provision of state services to be done through the military by the end of considerably2022.
===Foreign Relations===
Rusanru'a is primarily aligned with [[Packilvania]] and is especially dependent on trade with that country to replace lost imports from countries in opposition to the military regime. It has also received political support from [[Kæra'zna]] and [[Volkia]], and General Fyodorovich was believed to be courting [[Kyrloth]] before the end of the [[Sinter Tass]] regime in September of 2021. Relations with [[Nystatiszna]] have markedly improved since the coup, with the two countries generally aligned in international geopolitical debates. In contrast, relations with [[Blaskog]] have soured considerably, with several higher authorities in the coup forces indicating extreme opposition to the Republic of Rusanru'a's political outreach to Terist political groups in Blaskog advocating for a political union of the two countries.
