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=== Death and the afterlife ===
Lunarists view death as the end of worldly life and the beginning of afterlife. Lunarists believe in "good" and "bad" deaths. A person dies a "good death" at old age surrounded by loved ones, departing when Yelena says they should. Persons who die a "good death" will generally have no problems entering into the afterlife, as Yelena was expecting them. Thus Yelena was able to send Angels Eva and Avraam to fetch their spirits in order to receive Yelena's divine judgment. A "bad death" occurs when a person died too soon, before the time that Yelena assigned to them. These bad deaths could have been caused by the person being murdered, dying by suicide, illness, or in war. Persons who die a "bad death" have a higher chance of becoming a restless spirit as Yelena was not ready for them to enter the afterlife and thus it is harder for Eva and Avraam are unable to locate their spirits.
A proper Lunarist funeral is said to be able to reduce the chances a person's spirit becomes restless, as the rites make it easier for Eva and Avraam to locate the deceased.
Death is accepted as a natural part of the world, and is something that everyone must go through to join Yelena in the afterlife. Lunarists are expected to perform works to benefit their communities in order to be welcomed into the Eternal Forest, which is Lunarism's {{Wp|paradise}}. Helping the poor, sick, and elderly in some way are common works performed by Lunarists to ensure their entry into the Eternal Forest. Failure to perform good works may lead to damnation to the Barren Land, Lunarism's hell.
