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Souza enrolled in the University of Porto Verde in 1970, where he earned his bachelor's degree in political science. Following his completion of school, Souza joined the Esteiran Army in 1974 as a second lieutenant and eventually was promoted to captain. After his honorable discharge from the service in 1982, Souza began getting involved in politics, joining the [[Esteiran People's Party]]. With their support, he successfully ran for a seat in the [[National People's Assembly]] and was a representative until his election to the presidency in 1991.
As president, Souza made an effort to weaken the country's [[Constitutional Court of Esteira|Constitutional Court]] and verbally attacked journalists and media organizations he believed to be "anti-Esteiran." Individual civil liberties were also curtailed under Souza and political violence against those not associated with the Esteiran People's Party (PPE) increased. His [[1996 Esteiran presidential election|reelection in 1996]] was marred with reports of voter fraud and intimidation, further increasing Esteira's rate of {{Wp|democratic backsliding}}. With the support of the majority in the National People's Assembly, Souza abolished term limits for presidents.
After his [[2001 Esteiran presidential election|reelection in 2001]], an election that has been described as "totally fraudulent" by international observers, Souza reportedly ordered a [[2002 Porto Verde attacks|false flag attack]] against his party headquarters in [[Porto Verde]]. This attack was used as a pretext to launch an [[2002 Esteiran self-coup d'état|autocoup]] the following day, giving himself widespread dictatorial powers and making the PPE the sole legal political party in Esteira through the [[National Security and Stable Leadership Act of 2002]]. Souza has won every election since with a wide margin of victory; these elections are not considered free or democratic by most of the international community.
Souza has been described as authoritarian and a sapient rights violator, especially against Esteira's minority groups.
==Early life==
