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{{Infobox museum|established=1997|location=Karúna and Hanéqi, Oblivion Islands; [[New Leganes]]|visitors=769,932 (2022)|director=Léopold Andrada|architect=Vivienne Favager|historian=Léopold Andrada|owner=Cukish Tourism Board|website=www.PLM.nl.edu|image=File:Ulster Museum 3.JPG|caption=Side entrance to the Museum|type=Historical|name=LogísticaLegaPetro PetroleraPetrozhúnle MuseumLozhístile Muséo|native_name=Logística Petrolera Museum</br>Petrozhúnle Lozhístile Muséo</br>Museum of Petroleum Logistics</br>Musée de la logistique pétrolière|native_name_lang=[[Cukish]]}}
'''Logística Petrolera Museum''' (''[https://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec_French:Quebec French|Frakanic]]: Musée de la logistique pétrolière; Staynish: Museum of Petroleum Logistics; [[Cukish language|Cukish]]: Petrozhúnle Lozhísticle Muséo''), officially and for partnership reasons '''LegaPetro Petrozhúnle Lozhístile Muséo''', also known by its nickname asin "[https://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/British_English:British English|Staynish]:] as "[[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtois]] Containment Zone"; [https://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Norwegian_language:Norwegian language|Norgsveltian]]: "Côtois inneslutningssone" by [[Norgsveldet|NorgsveltiansNorgsveltian]] tourists and soldiers stationed in [[New Leganes]], is a museum complex in [[Karúna]] (including a mock oil rig in [[Hanéqi]]), Oblivion Islands, built in 1997 infrom effortefforts fromby the National Government of the [[New Leganes|Cooperative Commonwealth]] to betterimprove its market itselfperformance toin the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]], after a Cukish tourism ad campaign in the 1970s-1980s targeting the [[Norgsveltian Crown Realm]] found that the citizens from the Federation heavily disliked visiting the country. The Leganesian government hired a [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtois]] sociology research firm to interview [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtois]] tourists who went to the country and study why they perceived to have a negative view of their experience in the country. Their study concluded that [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtois]] visitors found the traditional tourist features of NL uninteresting and, at the same time, an overwhelming majority of visitors from the Federation cited their wish of seeing the famous Cukish oil industry and its logistics. The interviewed Côtois showed themselves completely disappointed in the lack of museums and exhibits for the industry, and did not enjoy visiting the beaches or historical sites. Despite the moderate bewilderment of the Cukish tourist board, it was decided that the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtois]] tourist numbers were worth the investment into creating a museum and facilities to better capture the market from [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtois]]. The museum was finished in 1997 and a mock oil rig was finished in 1999. After both were completed, a renewed ad campaign targeted the [[Norgsveltian Crown Realm]] in 2000. The tourists from the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] surpassed initial exceptions, the museum became a topic of study for its impact on the surrounding businesses and impact. To this day, [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtois]] tourists that visit outside of the [[Norgsveltian Crown Realm]], [[New Leganes]] is the number one destination for [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtois]] tourists.
== History ==
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The mock oil platform was finished in 1999, which became a massive attraction for [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtois]] tourists but virtually no other tourists from other nations visited the attraction. The 2000 ad campaign targeting [[Norgsveltian Crown Realm]] was more successful than the 1970s and 1980s campaigns, with the largest group of tourists coming from the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] who came with the express purpose to visit the museum and mock oil rig. Kristál Méde, executive on the Tourism Board expressed a deep level of confusion about why the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtois]] tourists was so attracted to LPM and the mock oil platform. Being quoted as saying <blockquote>"I just don't get it, I just don't. Why on Urth are these people so interested in petroleum? It's not the politics or the history [of petroleum]. It's just the process getting and refining it or the history of the [machines] for it. Why are they satisfied just by seeing some train that used to haul [it]? They don't go to the beaches or any other [attractions]. It's just the industry. There is even a market for boat captains to take people out to see to watch oil tankers haul oil. Are they okay? They don't care for whale watching, they just want to see cargo boats and oil tankers." </blockquote>The museum went under renovations in 2011 to include further technology aspect and [[Jotun]] assisting in increasing the use of technology within the museum. Including having simulators and short-length films for visitors about the production and harvest of petroleum. The resulting new features furthered tourism from the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]], while not reaching the same level of the 1998 tourism levels. Is still notable for the increase.
== Impact on [City]Hanéqi and Sociological Studies ==
[[File:Refurbishment Platform for Drilling Rigs -- Corpus Christi.jpg|thumb|Mock Oil rig jointly built with [[Gyllir Motor Corporation]] and [[LegaPetro]]]]
The LPM mock oil rig heavily changed Hanéqi in unattended ways and a frequent topic of study. As a result of the large amounts of consistent tourists from the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]], Hanéqi city was shaped around the LPM, having a increase in vegetarian dishes being serviced as restaurants, statues and art displays around the city showing the oil industry. Signs being written in addition to [[Cukish language|Cukish]], Staynish and Impelanzan, features [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec_French Frakanic]. Many citizens of Hanéqi have acquired a working knowledge of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quebec_French Frakanic] language. Public transportation has been provided with the newest infrastructures, due to [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtois]] tourists buying week-long bus passes to travel in the city rather than using [[Buddy]] or taxi service. As a result, a stereotype of [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtois]] tourists has been noted in the Oblivion Islands as "Unnervingly patient; Polite but extremely blunt when spoke to; Orderly and rule following" and a common joke about [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtois]] tourists throughout the [[New Leganes|Cooperative Commonwealth]] is that "They're taking a break from work, by watching others work."
=== Sociology Studies on [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtois]] Tourists ===
The Cukish tourist board sponsored a study on [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtois]] tourists and on Industry Tourism as a whole. The study resulted in finding tourists from the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] only vacation in other countries or outside the [[Norgsveltian Crown Realm|Crown Realm]] is for industry and train tourism. Industry tourism being a niche type of tourism that features visiting factories, logistic facilities or industrial zones, to which for the most part only citizens from the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] spend a large sum on. Another result of the study showed that [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtois]] tourists don't have a specific touristic season, but instead they schedule in groups with other employees from the same city or town to all go at once. The study finding that most [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtois]] for other forms of tourism usually stay within the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] or occasionally the [[Norgsveltian Crown Realm|Crown Realm]] due to the culturally and climate diverse nature of country. Venturing out for industrial tourism happens often when the industry doesn't exist in the country or is unable to provide tourism activities. Traditionally industrial tourism only happened within the [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]], but the Cukish public and private entities have inventively capitalized on the market of [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Côtois]] tourists seeking the niche market.
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