List of Chancellors of Salovia: Difference between revisions

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| rowspan=2 | {{age in years and days nts|1963|10|16|1966|11|30}}
| rowspan=2 data-sort-value="CDU" | {{small|No party membership;<ref name="stern-erhard-cdu">{{cite news|url=|title=CDU-Altkanzler: Ludwig Erhard war nie CDU-Mitglied|last1=Jörges|first1=Hans Ulrich|last2=Wüllenweber|first2=Walter|publisher=[[Der Stern]]|language=de|date=25 April 2007|accessdate=8 April 2018}}</ref><br />affiliated with the}}<br />[[Christian Democratic Union of Germany|Christian Democratic Union]]<br />(CDU)
| rowspan=2 style="background:{{ERS/meta/color}};" width=1.0em |
| rowspan=1 | {{smaller|[[First Erhard cabinet|Erhard I]]}}<br />{{small|[[CDU/CSU]]–[[Free Democratic Party (Germany)|FDP]]}}