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* '''Akua''', she is the goddess of the who gave life to all Urthians and the goddess of water. She is often considered (though not officially) to be the "primary god" of Akuanism.
* '''YunyonYunyøn,''' Commonly called Uzume, she is the goddess of dawn and revelry in Akuanism.
* '''Vindens Pust,''' Also known as ''Breath of the Winds'', the Akuan god of the wind who exist on Urth before Akua's landing.
* '''Freyrmama,''' The god or goddess of corn and fertility. Their messengers and symbolic animal are crows. As a result Akuan farmers leave out small amounts of corn to feed them in order to give thanks. Came into existence after the after Asatru mixing with Akuanism. Believed to originate from the Norse goddess of Freyr.