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===Governmental System===
Every position in every branch of government is elected through the people by representatives. Each candidate is given ♅10,000 to campaign with, and most candidates also accept donations from individuals and organizations such as activist groups and companies.
====Executive Branch====
The Executive Branch is made up of a council of five Presidents (one for each province), who vote whether to pass or veto bills proposed by Congress or Parliament.
====Congressional Branch====
The Congressional Branch is a legislative branch of government that discusses bills sent from Parliament. The bills that get approved are sent to the Executive Branch, and also makes those bills passed by the Executive Branch into law. Before it is passed, it must be screened by the Advisory Branch beforehand. Congress is made up of 25 members, five members for each province.
====Parliamentary Branch====
The Parliamentary Branch is where most of the dirty work takes place, per se. The Provincal Legislatures send their representatives (number of representatives per province is based on population: 1 Representative per 250,000 people) to Parliament with the proposed bills from each province, and discuss the bills proposed. The proposed bills that get approved by Parliament are sent to Congress and the Advisory Branch.
====Advisory Branch====
The Advisory Branch determines whether a proposed bill follows the Constitutional standards.
===Domestic Policy===