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'''The Democratic Republic of Kostromastan''', commonly known as [[Kostromastan]], is a landlocked nation that exists on the continent Aurora that borders Baykalia and [[Xiopothos]] to the north, Tuvaltastan to the south, Ethalria to the west, and [[Caltharus]] to the northwest. Kostromastan exists between the latitudes 28 S and 40 S, and between the longitudes 120 E and 140 E. The nation, with a Nominal GDP per capita of $4,427.28, has an estimated population of 20,003,248. The largest city and capital Novgorod holds 12,768,513 individuals, 63.8% of the population.
The History of Kostromastan is greatly intertwined with its neighbors [[Baykalia]] and [[Tuvaltastan]], and goes back as far as 1,700 B.C.E., beginning with the Ancient Kostuvians and their immense empire that encompassed central Aurora and a number of small islands north and south of the continent, as well as part of what is now modern-day Dragonia. The [[Kostuvian Empire]] existed for 1,032 years, and was succeeded by [[Kostuvastan]] in 12 A.D. Kostuvastan existed for 1,973 years until the three major culture groups (Baykalians, Tuvalts, and Kostros) began the [[Kostuvastan Civil War]]. The three culture groups, after the Civil War, founded the three nations Tuvaltastan, Kostromastan, and Baykalia. To this day, the three do not get along, and it is not uncommon for there to be violent and typically bloody border skirmishes amongst the three.
The word "Kost" directly stems from the original Kostuvastan, while the "rom" in the name originates from "romia," which translates to "desert" in Codexian and "KtbCK<sup>h</sup>" in Kostuvian.