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The Governor of Kharyat is Prince Uhayed a-Amhoud Bedon. The Judge President of the Kharyat High Court is Prince Alawad a-Uhayed Bedon. Kharyat is the home of the Bedonite dynasty that currently rules Packilvania. They originated from the city of Makobar which was named after their ancestor Bedon Makobar who founded it thousands of years ago. They ruled it as an independent realm then a fief of the various dynasties that took over Packilvania. They returned to independence between the 12th and 13 centuries but often faced incursions from the Kilionite Dynasty of Kemer and the Dhareelite Dynasty of Yukader.
== Politics ==
The politics of Kharyat take place in the framework of an absolute monarchy and consists of a three branch government under the ultimate authority of the national or imperial government:
* Legislative branch: Provincial Legislature composed of the Legislative Council (elected in terms of Imperial Decree largely by municipalities, and then by religious, aristocratic, labour, professional, business and civl society bodies), and the Consultative Assembly selected by lottery.
* Executive branch: Governor, appointed by the [[Sultan of Packilvania]], who in turn appoints the Premier and the Provincial Council of Ministers.
* Judicial branch: High Court of Kharyat and other lesser civic, and religious, appointed by the national authorities.
The incumbent Governor, Prince Thahed was appointed in 2023 after the previous Governor, Prince Uhayed, brother to Sultan Emeritus [[Namdun III]], signed a letter callijg for Sultan [[Thumim V]] to reinstate [[Prince Abuyin]] as the [[Crown Prince of Packilvania]] and supported plans by Prince Elam, the former Governor of [[Mekedesh]] to derail the [[Coronation and Wedding of Thumim V and Saga of Tynam|Coronation and Wedding of Sultan Thumim V and Saga of Tynam]]. As other Governors appointed by Sultan Thumim V, they have Prince Thahed has publicly pledged his loyalty and is seen as an extension of [[Bingol]]'s authority in Kharyat. Nevertheless, the Prince has largely left the Premier, Thuhal Banham to run the province with the Provincial Council of Ministers.
Thuhal Banham had a fairly liberal education following the end of the Second Packilvanian Civil War and has very little in the way of political history. He did moderately in his exams and joined the civil service. He worked his way up to be the Director General of the Provincial Department of Finance and the Economy for Kharyat and through his active membership and senior role in the [[Association of the Friends and Veterans of the Carriers of Mercy]]. He was tipped as the new Premier due to his popularity among the bureaucrats who favored his pragmatism and competence.
The politics of Kharyat are dominated by pragmatists and centrists with roots in the bureaucracy. Nevertheless, the population has a large youth population even in relation to the rest of the country. Large youth organisations with ties to the [[Magisterium of Paxism]] have emerged which have galvanized policy platforms outside of Religious Affairs and topics. Although freedom of speech, assembly, and protest are curtailed in Packilvania, these religiously linked bodied have proven surprisingly successful at impacting government policy. Of note is a group of religious fundamentalists that have taken root and caused many of the policies that the Uhayed government pursued with respect to reproductive and serial rights and the diminished role of the religious police in public life to stall.
