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(Economy, Defence and Foreign policy for the time being)
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The Constitution of Katyunon is the document that sets out how the federation functions and the powers of the Federal, National and local governments.
The Constitution of Katyunon is the document that sets out how the federation functions and the powers of the Federal, National and local governments.

Article 1 describes the role of the federal government. the Katyunion Congress of Soviets would have 400 seats in total. All members are to be elected every 5 years by single transferable vote. they alone would hold power over defence and foreign policy. they would also control the federal bank and be in charge of monetary policy. To ensure fair trade, all safety and environmental regulations, as well as workers rights, would be decided by the federal government. The Katyunon Congress of Soviets alone would be allowed to change the constitution, this is done through a majority vote for an amendment in the Katyunion Congress of Soviets. the Congress would select 1 member to become Premier, he would the select his ministers from the Congress.
Article 1 describes the role of the federal government. the Katyunion Congress of Soviets would have 400 seats in total. All members are to be elected every 5 years by single transferable vote. they alone would hold power over defence and foreign policy. they would also control the federal bank and be in charge of monetary policy. To ensure fair trade, all safety, security and environmental regulations, as well as workers rights, would be decided by the federal government. The Katyunon Congress of Soviets alone would be allowed to change the constitution, this is done through a majority vote for an amendment in the Katyunion Congress of Soviets. the Congress would select 1 member to become Premier, he would the select his ministers from the Congress.

Article 2 describes the role of the National governments. each nation in the federation would have its own national parliaments each elected every 5 years by single transferable vote. the amount of seats in these parliaments are decided by population and must all total the amount of seats in the Katyunion Congress of Soviets. every national parliament would Independently decide economic, social, environmental and security policy, only limited by federal regulatory legislation and by the local soviets veto on projects in their jurisdiction . all national congresses can decide their own fiscal policy but must each give 3% of government revenue to the Katyunion Congress of Soviets for it's spending. the current number of seats in each parliament is, the Trudatsyain congress: 152 seats, the katystani congress: 116 seats, the Kyrivniain congress: 72 seats and the Alasemonion congress 60 seats. each national Congress selects 1 member as their Premier and he then selects his ministers from the Congress.
Article 2 describes the role of the National governments. each nation in the federation would have its own national parliaments each elected every 5 years by single transferable vote. the amount of seats in these parliaments are decided by population and must all total the amount of seats in the Katyunion Congress of Soviets. every national parliament would Independently decide economic, social, environmental and security policy, only limited by federal regulatory legislation and by the local soviets veto on projects in their jurisdiction . all national congresses can decide their own fiscal policy but must each give 3% of government revenue to the Katyunion Congress of Soviets for it's spending. the current number of seats in each parliament is, the Trudatsyain congress: 152 seats, the katystani congress: 116 seats, the Kyrivniain congress: 72 seats and the Alasemonion congress 60 seats. each national Congress selects 1 member as their Premier and he then selects his ministers from the Congress.
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Article 3 sets out local government responsibility. local Soviets are to be elected every 5 years and are in charge of managing local economies. They have the power to set land value taxes for their area and to use this money to improve local communities how they see fit. Local Soviets may start local construction projects without the permission of the national Soviet, however, if the national Soviet wishes to begin construction in a Local Soviets jurisdiction, they must receive permission from the Local Soviet, giving Local Soviets and effective veto on government projects.
Article 3 sets out local government responsibility. local Soviets are to be elected every 5 years and are in charge of managing local economies. They have the power to set land value taxes for their area and to use this money to improve local communities how they see fit. Local Soviets may start local construction projects without the permission of the national Soviet, however, if the national Soviet wishes to begin construction in a Local Soviets jurisdiction, they must receive permission from the Local Soviet, giving Local Soviets and effective veto on government projects.

Article 4 codifies a commitment to an egalitarian and democratic economic policy. Article 4 prohibits private ownership entirely, so all enterprises must be socially owned, either by the public or as a cooperative. It mandates that all enterprises must have democratically elected and accountable leadership. the electorate, usually workers within these enterprises although for public services members of the public may be allowed to vote, elect workers councils which act as management for individual workplaces, as well as a national executive committee which decide the value of their labour as well as allocation of resources and the national strategy to meet their production goals. planning decisions are made by Local soviets and regional planning boards made up of members of the local soviets. National governments also appoint national planning boards to make planning decisions in the interests of the nation as a whole. these boards decide production goals for public enterprises and the compensation for their labour and can set targets for cooperatives if needed. the enterprises however independently plan how to meet these goals and are to be free form direct government interference.
Article 4 codifies a commitment to an egalitarian and democratic economic policy. Article 4 prohibits private ownership entirely, so all enterprises must be socially owned, either by the public or as a cooperative. It mandates that all enterprises must have democratically elected and accountable leadership. the electorate, usually workers within these syndicates although for public services members of the public may be allowed to vote, elect workers councils which act as management for individual workplaces, as well as a national executive committee which decide the value of their labour as well as allocation of resources and the national strategy to meet their production goals. planning decisions are made by Local soviets and regional planning boards made up of members of the local soviets. National governments also appoint national planning boards to make planning decisions in the interests of the nation as a whole. these boards decide production goals for public enterprises and the compensation for their labour and can set targets for cooperatives if needed. the syndicates however independently plan how to meet these goals and are to be free form direct government interference.

Article 5 sets out the role of the judiciary. the supreme court of Katyunon is made up of two representatives from each nation, appointed by each national supreme court. Each nation within the federation has its own supreme court, which is elected by the people within that nation every 10 years. local court judges are then appointed by the national supreme courts. These courts are to hold the executive and legislature to account, ensure they follow the constitution through the use of judicial review and to interoperate legislation passed by the legislature.
Article 5 sets out the role of the judiciary. the supreme court of Katyunon is made up of two representatives from each nation, appointed by each national supreme court. Each nation within the federation has its own supreme court, which is elected by the people within that nation every 10 years. local court judges are then appointed by the national supreme courts. These courts are to hold the executive and legislature to account, ensure they follow the constitution through the use of judicial review and to interoperate legislation passed by the legislature.
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=== Katystan ===
=== Katystan ===
The Katystani Socialist Republic hold's the honour of the home of the Katyunon Revolution, being the nation that the regional revolution began and being the first nation to be liberated by the proletariat. it was known as a majority feline state and as major producer of Luxury clothing items that were enjoyed by the privileged classes of the old capitalist and feudal nations of the Katyunon region. after the revolution its clothing industry was socialised, under the Katystani textiles enterprise, and most luxury items were dropped from production in favour of adequate clothing and accessory items for the masses, this still remains the largest employer in Katystan. the current ruling party in the Katystani congress of soviets is the [[Red Front]], lead by the Solidarity faction of the party.
The Katystani Socialist Republic hold's the honour of the home of the Katyunon Revolution, being the nation that the regional revolution began and being the first nation to be liberated by the proletariat. it was known as a majority feline state and as major producer of Luxury clothing items that were enjoyed by the privileged classes of the old capitalist and feudal nations of the Katyunon region. after the revolution its clothing industry was socialised and most luxury items were dropped from production in favour of adequate clothing and accessory items for the masses, this still remains the largest employer in Katystan. the current ruling party in the Katystani congress of soviets is the [[Red Front]], lead by the Solidarity faction of the party.

=== Trudatsya ===
=== Trudatsya ===
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=== Alasemo ===
=== Alasemo ===
The most unique nation in the federation is Alasemo, mainly due to its more violent revolution and authoritarian government. During the Katyunon revolution there was violence, but Alasemo, a majority Human feudal monarchy at the time, was notably more violent with peasants killing aristocratic families and the king being caught and executed. politically The Marxist vanguard dominate the the Alasemonion Congress of Soviets, being the only nation not controlled by Solidarity and is noticeably more authoritarian with law enforcement being empowered, religion being supressed and state run press. Alasemo is mainly agricultural, with what industries that exist manufacturing automobiles, farm machinery and fertilisers, with all enterprises being state-owned.
The most unique nation in the federation is Alasemo, mainly due to its more violent revolution and authoritarian government. During the Katyunon revolution there was violence, but Alasemo, a majority Human feudal monarchy at the time, was notably more violent with peasants killing aristocratic families and the king being caught and executed. politically The Marxist vanguard dominate the the Alasemonion Congress of Soviets, being the only nation not controlled by Solidarity and is noticeably more authoritarian with law enforcement being empowered, religion being supressed and state run press. Alasemo is mainly agricultural, with what industries that exist manufacturing automobiles, farm machinery and fertilisers, with all enterprises being state-owned.

== Economy ==

=== Public Services ===
In all federation members public services are owned by the Public through the State. Health and social care, education, passenger and freight transport, communications such as mail and telecoms and utilities such as energy, water and waste management are some of the services provided by the state to the Public. These are organised by each nation as large syndicates. Health and social care is provided when needed and is free at the point of use, education is free from cradle to grave, energy and water are provided for free to people until they use over a certain cap, transport and communications around the federation is cheap, even a certain amount of food is provided for free for poor families through meal tickets. these services form the basis of the welfare state and employ many within Katyunon.

=== Key Industries ===
many industries are held in public control as large syndicates because of their importance to the federations economy. construction and forestry are held in state ownership for efficient construction and to care for the natural environment. Kyravnia's mining industry is state-owned due to its importance in the national economy. In Trudatsya, The Defence, Steel and Pharmaceutical industries are state-owned due to there strategic importance in supplying the federation with materials and equipment. In Alasemo the Marxist Vanguard expropriated most industries, from the automotive industry to agriculture. These industries follow national and regional planning to help manage economic growth more effectively in sectors where it is required to meet the higher demands of the growing population.

=== co-operatives ===
what enterprises are not owned by the state are the co-operatives. these small syndicates aren't major within the economy and don't usually follow government plans, however, the state maintains a minority share in all co-operatives so they may issue planning order is needs be.

== Defence and Foreign affairs ==

=== Defence ===
The Katyunon Defence Force (KDF) is the main military of Katyunon and is the main recipient of the federal budget. It is around 100,000 soldiers in strength, with a small navy of 15 submarines and an airforce of about 75 fighters and 20 attack aircraft. The KDF is purely for federal defence, as stipulated in the defence force act, which prevents the KDF from being deployed offensively, however volunteers and equipment can be sent to other nations.

=== foreign affairs ===
The Katyunon foreign ministry has always been a major party of federal politics, since most economic and social legislation is devolved to the nations, It is often controlled by the Marxist Vanguard, leading to a more interventionist foreign policy. current policy is to assist socialist struggles across the world through aid and sending military support to left-wing governments around the globe, getting involved in one way or another in most civil wars involving leftist faction.