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Article 5 sets out the role of the judiciary. the supreme court of Katyunon is made up of two representatives from each nation, appointed by each national supreme court. Each nation within the federation has its own supreme court, which is elected by the people within that nation every 10 years. local court judges are then appointed by the national supreme courts. These courts are to hold the executive and legislature to account, ensure they follow the constitution through the use of judicial review and to interoperate legislation passed by the legislature.
Article 6 sets out various rights held by the citizens of the federation. These include the right to freedom of speech, right to assembly, equal right to vote, right to a fair trial by jury and right to humane treatment in incarceration. notablyThe right to all the means of life such as food, water, shelter, heat, light, health, education, communication and movement ensure the well being of all citizens. Notably absent from these protections are religious protections, these are left to the individual nations to decide.
=== Federal Politics ===
Katyunion politics is dominated by Three parties.
The main party, the Red Front, is a socialist party that has controlled the Katyunion congress of soviets since its creation. andit has 263 seats in Katyunion Congress of Soviets consists of three main groups/factions. Solidarity are the Democratic Socialists, who they usually support the current political and economic arrangement, their main figure is the current federal premier AionAino Jokinen, a democratic Socialist and pacifist. The Progress Alliance are a group of Social Democrats that want to reduce state planning and move to market socialism. The Marxist Vanguard, a group of radical marxists that want to pursue world revolution and a dictatorship of the proletariat to defend the revolution, their leader Elliusha Helena is the current federal Foreign minister.
The second biggest party is the liberal freedom party with 94 seats, a group of liberals that respected the democracy brought by the revolution, but want a return to the capitalist system, and an empowering of the federal congress to protect the rights of citizens in all members of the federation.
The final and smallest party is the Nationalist Front with 43 seats, a group of conservatives and nationalists that want to return to capitalism and reverse many of the progressive social policies passed by the Red Front. They are also the only party that supports ending the federation. They have the smallest support amongst the electorate out of the three parties.
== Federation Members ==
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=== Public Services ===
In all federation members public services are owned by the Public through the State to provide the 'means of life' as quoted in the constitution. Health and social care, education, passenger and freight transport, communications such as mail and telecoms and utilities such as energy, water and waste management are some of the services provided by the state to the Public. These are organised by each nation as large syndicates. Health and social care is provided when needed and is free at the point of use, education is free from cradle to grave, energy and water are provided for free to people until they use over a certain cap, transport and communications around the federation is cheap, even a certain amount of food is provided for free for poor families through meal tickets. these services form the basis of the welfare state and employ many within Katyunon.
=== State Syndicates ===