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In all federation members public services are owned by the Public through the State to provide the 'means of life' as quoted in the constitution. Health and social care, education, passenger and freight transport, communications such as mail and telecoms and utilities such as energy, water and waste management are some of the services provided by the state to the Public. These are organised by each nation as large syndicates. Health and social care is provided when needed and is free at the point of use, education is free from cradle to grave, energy and water are provided for free to people until they use over a certain cap, transport and communications around the federation is cheap, even a certain amount of food is provided for free for poor families through meal tickets. these services form the basis of the welfare state and employ many within Katyunon.
=== State SyndicatesIndustries ===
many industries are held in public control as large syndicates because of their importance to the federations economy, the commanding heights of the economy as some refer to them. construction and forestry are held in state ownership for efficient construction and to care for the natural environment. Kyravnia's mining industry is state-owned due to its importance in the national economy. In Trudatsya, The Defence, Steel and Pharmaceutical industries are state-owned due to there strategic importance in supplying the federation with materials and equipment. In Alasemo the Marxist Vanguard expropriated most industries, from the automotive industry to agriculture. These industries follow national and regional planning to help manage economic growth more effectively in sectors where it is required to meet the higher demands of the growing population.