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Katyunion politics is dominated by Three parties.
The main party, the Red Front, is a socialist party that has controlled the Katyunion congress of soviets since its creation and consists of three main groups/factions. Solidarity are the Democratic Socialists, who they usually support the current political and economic arrangement, their main figure is the current federal premier Aion Jokinen, a democratic Socialist and pacifist. The Progress Alliance are a group of Social Democrats that want to reduce state planning and move to market socialism. The Marxist Vanguard, a group of radical marxists that want to pursue world revolution and a dictatorship of the proletariat to defend the revolution, their leader Elliusha Helena is the current federal defence minister.
The second biggest party is the liberal freedom party, a group of liberals that respected the democracy brought by the revolution, but want a return to the capitalist system, and an empowering of the federal congress to protect the rights of citizens in all members of the federation.