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=== Katystan ===
The Katystani socialist republic hold's the honour of the home of the Katyunon revolution, being the nation that the regional revolution began and being the first nation to be liberated by the proletariat. it was known as a majority feline state and as major producer of Luxury clothing items that were enjoyed by the privileged classes of the old capitalist and fudelfeudal nations of the Katyunon region. after the revolution its clothing industry was socialised, under the Katystani textiles enterprise, and most luxury items were dropped from production in favour of adequate clothing and accessory items for the masses, this still remains the largest employer in Katystan. the current ruling party in the Katystani congress of soviets is the Red Front, lead by the Solidarity faction of the party.
=== Trudatsya ===
The Trudatsya soviet republic is an histoicallyhistorically ursine nation and the most populace nation in the federation, holding the most seats in the federal congress and the largest national congress, both of which return large Red Front majorities. The main political conflicts arise from the competing factions in the red front, mostly being won by the Solidarity faction. Trudatsya was always a major centre for heavy industry. after the revolution most of the war industries were converted into civilian goods factories, producing mostly medical equipment, however large construction and steel enterprises, as well as machine factories, still remain operational, all now under socialpublic ownership.
=== Kyravnia ===
Kyravnia had an intersting history as a nation of dwarves ruled by the large mining corperationscorporations of the region, which still majorly influences the economy of the region. The Corporations fled during the revolution as a miners rebellion, led by a the Red Front who had formed a secret miners union, captured many of the pits and mining Towns within Kyravnia. The economy of Kyravnia is lest reliant on mining, although it is still the largest employer in the region, new technology industries have begun to create a new high tech economy fuelled by the proximity of rare minerals such as lithium. The Red Front win large majorities here with Solidarity and Marxist Vanguard being the biggest winners.
=== Alasemo ===
The most unique nation in the federation is Alasemo, mainly due to its more violent revolution and authoritarian government. During the Katyunon revolution there was violence, but Alasemo, a majority Human feudal monarchy at the time, was notably more violent with peasants killing aristocratic families and the king being caught and executed. politically The Marxist vanguard dominate the the Alasemonion Congress of Soviets, being the only nation not controlled by Solidarity and is noticeably more authoritarian with law enforcement being empowered, religion being supressed and state run press. Alasemo is mainly agricultural, with what industries that exist manufacturing farm machinery and fertilisers, being the breadbasket of the region.