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This all boiled over in Katystan on November 7th, 1917, when the army joined the protesters and began to seize key buildings in various cities. The Red Front laid siege to the palace of queen Li-Sigrid. With support from the army the Red Front stormed the palace and arrested the queen and many of her nobles. The Red Front established the Katystan Socialist State and a regional Revolutionary Council in the capital of Katesval To coordinate the revolution and spread it to the neighbouring countries.
This sudden revolution in Katystan Inspired the Red Front in Trudatsya, Kyravnia and Alasemo to seize the initiative. In Trudatsya and Kyravnia large workers strikes supported by mutinying soldiers seize large parts of the nations industry and in Alasemo peasants began throwing aristocrats off their land or killing them. Trudatsya's government and Kyravnia's corporate board fled the region and Alasemo's king, Ivan, was killed when peasants stormed his private palace in the countryside. By november 11th, the FedRed Front established New Socialist States In each nation. each nation would face internal opposition organised by the old governments but never full civil war, but in Alasemo in particular opposition by wealth farmers sabotaged the rebuilding of the food supply and was stamped out by state security services and the most prominent counter-revolutionaries were executed.
=== The Treaty of Katyunite (1918) ===
On March 8th 1918 the various countries in the Katyunon region had stabilized their states to the point that the Red Front felt confident in completing their final goal, establishing a federation in the region. the various heads of government met in Katesval to finalise their goals. The Treaty of Katyunite was signed by every nation of Katyunon and official created The United Socialist States of Katyunon. the treaty established a federal government in the newly rename city of Katyunite (this was renamed from Katesval to better suite being the capital of the United Socialist States). It established a common market within the federation and a common defence policy and a constitution for the Federation to operate under.
== GovernmentConstitution and federal Politics ==
=== Constitution ===
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Article 1 describes the role of the federal government. the Katyunion Congress of Soviets would have 400 seats in total. All members are to be elected every 5 years by single transferable vote. they alone would hold power over defence and foreign policy. they would also control the federal bank and be in charge of monetary policy. To ensure fair trade, all safety and environmental regulations, as well as workers rights, would be decided by the federal government. The Katyunon Congress of Soviets alone would be allowed to change the constitution, this is done through a majority vote for an amendment in the Katyunion Congress of Soviets. the Congress would select 1 member to become Premier, he would the select his ministers from the Congress.
Article 2 describes the role of the National governments. each nation in the federation would have its own national parliaments each elected every 5 years by single transferable vote. the amount of seats in these parliaments are decided by population and must all total the amount of seats in the Katyunion Congress of Soviets. every national parliament would Independently decide economic, social, environmental and security policy, only limited by federal regulatory legislation and by the local soviets veto on projects in their jurisdiction . all national congresses can decide their own fiscal policy but must each give 3% of government revenue to the Katyunion Congress of Soviets for it's spending. the current number of seats in each parliament is, the Trudatsyain congress: 152 seats, the katykatystani congress: 116 seats, the Kyrivniain congress: 72 seats and the Alasemonion congress 60 seats. each national Congress selects 1 member as their Premier and he then selects his ministers from the Congress.
Article 3 sets out local government responsibility. local Soviets are to be elected every 5 years and are in charge of managing local economies. They have the power to set land value taxes for their area and to use this money to improve local communities how they see fit. Local Soviets may start local construction projects without the permission of the national Soviet, however, if the national Soviet wishes to begin construction in a Local Soviets jurisdiction, they must receive permission from the Local Soviet, giving Local Soviets and effective veto on government projects.
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Article 6 sets out various rights held by the citizens of the federation. These include the right to freedom of speech, right to assembly, equal right to vote, right to a fair trial by jury and right to humane treatment in incarceration. notably absent from these protections are religious protections, these are left to the individual nations to decide.
=== Federal Politics ===
Katyunion politics is dominated by Three parties.
The main party is, the Red Front, whichis hasa beensocialist inparty powerthat inhas all major legislatures sincecontrolled the revolution.Katyunion Thecongress Redof Frontsoviets issince aits socialistcreation partyand consistingconsists of three main groups/factions. Solidarity are the Democratic Socialists, who control all but one of the nation congresses and the federal congress, they usually support the current political and economic arrangement, their main figure is the current federal premier Aion Jokinen, a democratic Socialist and pacifist. The Progress Alliance are a group of Social Democrats that want to reduce state planning and move to market socialism. The Marxist Vanguard, a group of radical marxists that want to pursue world revolution and a dictatorship of the proletariat to defend the revolution.
The second biggest party is the liberal freedom party, a group of liberals that respected the democracy brought by the revolution, but want a return to the capitalist system, and an empowering of the federal congress to protect the rights of citizens in all members of the federation.
The final and smallest party is the Nationalist Front, a group of conservatives and nationalists that want to return to capitalism and reverse many of the progressive social policies passed by the Red Front. They are also the only party that supports ending the federation. They have the smallest support amongst the electorate out of the three parties.
== federation members ==
=== Katystan ===
The Katystani socialist republic hold's the honour of the home of the Katyunon revolution, being the nation that the regional revolution began and being the first nation to be liberated by the proletariat. it was known before the revolution of being the producer of major Luxury clothing items that were enjoyed by the privileged classes of the old capitalist and fudel nations of the Katyunon region. after the revolution its clothing industry was socialised, under the Katystani textiles enterprise, and most luxury items were dropped from production in favour of adequate clothing and accessory items for the masses, this still remains the largest employer in Katystan. the current ruling party in the Katystani congress of soviets is the Red Front, lead by the Solidarity faction of the party.
=== Trudatsya ===
The Trudatsya soviet republic is the most populace nation in the federation, holding the most seats in the federal congress and the largest national congress, both of which return large Red Front majorities. The main political conflicts arise from the competing factions in the red front, mostly being won by the Solidarity faction. Trudatsya was always a major centre for heavy industry. after the revolution most of the war industries were converted into civilian goods factories, producing mostly medical equipment, however large construction and steel enterprises, as well as machine factories, still remain operational, all now under social ownership.
=== Kyravnia ===