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'''Justelvard''' is a country that is apart of [[Great Morstaybishlia]]. It shares land borders on one island with [[Nation/East Malaysia|East Malaysia]] and [[Tivot]]. The country mainly consists of humid jungle-like islands in the south of Oceanus Spoiliaverunt and the north-west of the [[Morstaybishlian Sea]] It neighbours the Kohatu Isles ([[The Oan Isles]]). The country has a population of around 16.41 million people, with about 900K living in Port Makuh, 876K in Miamano, 716K in Dostega, 518K in Jurisesk and 497K in Mawacu.
The land was made up of two nations before 1604; Justelvard and Kistelvard. Individually these states has limited and weak power and was sought after by both the Caven Empire and the newly United Kingdom of Morstaybishlia. Morstaybishlia acted first and began the [[MBE#Morsto-Justelvardic War|Morsto-Justelvard War]], which led Justelvard and Kistelvard to combine forces to defend the islands. Nonetheless, the war resulted in a [[Morstaybishlian Empire|Morstaybishlian]] victory. Under the Empire, the region emerged into the modern world as a powerful trade icon.
Justelvard gained independence in 1967 following the Justelvardian Independence Act 1967, which was given royal assent. Justelvard's Head of State from 1967 to 2016 remained the Royal bloodline of Morstaybishlia.