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'''Jiduan''', formally known as the '''Republic of Jiduan''', ([[Jiduani]]: ''Prajantantra Jiduan'') is a unitary representative constitutional monarchy in [[Yasteria|Yasteria Major]]. It is comprised of 19 provinces and 8 insular territories. It shares a border with [[Packilvania]] to its west and lies within the [[Gulf of Jiduan]]. Jiduan's largest, most economically important, and capital city is [[Garangol]]. Jiduan has a total land area of 234,744 square kilometers (90,635 m<sup>2</sup>), with an estimated 2023 population of 227.27 million people and a mean population density of 968.15 people per square kilometer.
The Gulf of Jiduan had been inhabited by [[Bipedaliforma|sentient beings]] since at least 15,000 BCE. Modern Jiduani borders evolved from systems of unions, tributaries, and dependencies for nearly two thousand years, stretching from [[Ganari I|Mogul Ganari I]] to Jiduani independence from Packilvania in 1918 during the First Packilvanian Civil War. Mogul Ganari I conquered several independent city-states along the coast of the Jiduani Gulf which later became known as [[Ganari I's Conquest of Jiduan]]. The region remained in relative stability until the 9th century CE, in which Jiduan became a tributary state of the United Kingdom of Bakil. In the second unification of Packilvania under the Zubraynite Dynasty in 1275, Jiduan supported Prince Ishak of Tashkar and aided in his usurpation of the Kingdom of Bingol, officially becoming a part of Packilvania in the process. After the fall of the Zubraynite Dynasty and the installation of the Sultanate of Packilvania, Jiduan remained as a part of Packilvania. In 1918, during the First Packilvanian Civil War, [[Independence of Jiduan|Jiduan declared independence]] from Packilvania amidst the conflict. By the end of the civil war, Jiduan had officially left on relatively peaceful terms and was recognized by Communist Packilvania. After its independence, the country implemented a constitution of its own which set up a [[Parliament of Jiduan|Parliament]] as its legislature, a [[Prime Minister of Jiduan|Prime Minister]] as its head of government, and the [[Mogul of Jiduan|Mogul]] as its head of state. Although not officially part of [[Pax-Draconica]], Jiduan has been heavily influenced from the [[Paxism|Paxist]] world.