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During the 8 years before MBE forces were able to enter Iseul, the city had developed a democratic system of government and trading agreements with several other nations that allowed the use of their port. When MBE forces tried to remove the Governor and City-Council Representatives and replace them with their own non-elected officials that resulted in protests and rioting across the city that lead MBE to reverse its decision and granted Iseul a special status with hopes to eventually integrate the city with the rest of Isekaiou. During the late 1800s as the Kingdom of Caven peacefully fell to East Malaysian control, the Kabuverdianu side of the Royal Caven Family fled Caven to Iseul, and the government formed a constitutional monarchy system in defiance of MBE.
[[Category:Southeast Yasteria]]
[[Category:East Malaysia]]
[[Category:Special Administrative Region]]