Ilesland House of Ministries: Difference between revisions

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=== Ministry of Commerce ===
The Ministry of Commerce is the federal department for market control and regulation. Founded in 2020 by the INCP, the Ministry of Commerce is the newest addition to the Federal Ministries. MinComm funds the personal commercial aspects of Ilisian Markets
=== Ministry of Communication ===
The Ministry of Communications regulates national news and media as well as public events such as concerts and government conventions
=== Ministry of Infrastructure ===
The Ministry of Infrastructure (or Minfra) constructs government subsidized housing, roads, and public transit lines.
=== Ministry of Health and Disease Prevention ===
The Ministry of Health constructs and maintains the national helthcare facilities, such as hospitals and medical research centers. They also manage the prevention, classification, and studying of diseases in Ilesland and allied nations.
=== Ministry of Social Welfare ===
The Social Welfare Ministry ensures the safety of the Commune. They provide families with necessary resources for health, education, and general welfare as well as ensuring that basic needs are met for all people.
=== Ministry of Culture and Social Design ===
The Ministry of Culture and Social Design allocates funding to national arts programs, provides grants to students interested in arts, and funds the discovering of historical insight into the cultures of pre-modern Ilesland
=== Ministry of Housing and Accommodation ===
Provides for the construction and maintaining of housing and is responsible for finding housing for all members of the Commune
=== Ministry of Labour ===
Tracks job security and provides funding to industries for the employment of all Ilisians
=== Ministry of Transportation ===
Funds public transport as well as international travel and tourist programs.
=== Ilisian Armed Forces ===
=== IAF Division of Internal Affaris ===
=== IAF Division of National Security ===
=== IAF Division of Diplomatic Services and External Affairs. ===