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== List of Ministries ==
The Ministries are seated below the House of Ministries and have a precise control over their individual government agencies.
=== Ministry of Commerce ===
The Ministry of Commerce is the federal department for market control and regulation. Founded in 2020 by the INCP, the Ministry of Commerce is the newest addition to the Federal Ministries. MinComm funds the personal commercial aspects of Ilisian Markets
=== Ministry of Communication ===
The Ministry of Communications regulates national news and media as well as public events such as concerts and government conventions
=== Ministry of Infrastructure ===
The Ministry of Infrastructure (or Minfra) constructs government subsidized housing, roads, and public transit lines.
=== Ministry of Health and Disease Prevention ===
The Ministry of Health constructs and maintains the national helthcare facilities, such as hospitals and medical research centers. They also manage the prevention, classification, and studying of diseases in Ilesland and allied nations.
=== Ministry of Social Welfare ===
The Social Welfare Ministry ensures the safety of the Commune. They provide families with necessary resources for health, education, and general welfare as well as ensuring that basic needs are met for all people.
=== Ministry of Culture and Social Design ===
The Ministry of Culture and Social Design allocates funding to national arts programs, provides grants to students interested in arts, and funds the discovering of historical insight into the cultures of pre-modern Ilesland
=== Ministry of Housing and Accommodation ===
Provides for the construction and maintaining of housing and is responsible for finding housing for all members of the Commune
=== Ministry of Labour ===
Tracks job security and provides funding to industries for the employment of all Ilisians
=== Ministry of Transportation ===
Funds public transport as well as international travel and tourist programs.

Latest revision as of 18:43, 20 February 2022


The Ilisian House of Ministries is one of the three collective bodies of the Triumvirate, the three houses comprising Ilisian government. The House of Ministries is the governing body of all federal ministries and has 100 appointed officials. The House of Ministries is overseen by the Head of House, who is elected to represent the HOM for life. The House of Ministries is the central component to all tri-lateral proposals, being the second voting body. They also enact control over the approval of Lower House Proposals for each individual ministry, making them the most powerful body in the nation.



Initially founded in 1790 by King Wellisburg as the Royal Parliament, the House of Ministries was where the commoners would go to protest laws and make proposals to the King and His advisors. The Royal Parliament was comprised of 10 Lords of the Commons who wrote policy and proposals based on the voices of the Commoners. The Royal Parliament was dismantled in the 1880s when the Snow family took back power.

Duocratic Era

During the Duocratic Era the Royal Parliament was brought back as a place for the commoners to make proposals to the Dear Leaders. While the Royal Parliament had 10 members once again, their powers were significantly more limited, only being able to propose laws to the Dear Leader or His Council. However, the Royal Parliament was used often during this Era by the commoners to air grievances to the government, and ensured that no participating member could be arrested for his expressions while on the grounds, a rule that continued to be upheld to this day.

Democratic Revolution of 1975

When the Revolutionaries took power in the 70s the Royal Parliament was extended to house 100 officials, and was granted control over all government ministries. Rather than being a place for citizens to go to make requests to the leaders, it became a governing body in itself, controlling the High Ministries and acting as a check against the Royal Courts. Meetings were held every Sunday and Friday at the Parliament Building where citizens could go to make proposals to the council.

Civil Military Era

During the Civil Military occupation the Parliament was cut back to 10 officials, and was stripped of all governing power. While the parliament was no longer able to make policy or change in the goevrnment, it was till a place where people could voice their concerns without fear of persecution from the government. Concerns voiced in Parliament were not to be forwarded to the Head Official, but their existence was used to disprove people's concern of authoritarianism.

Modern Revival

The House of Ministries regained power under a new name in 2010 after the collapse of the Civil Military. Upon it's revival 100 representatives were elected to the board to represent the people in the newly founded Triumvirate.


Head of House

The Head of the House of Ministries is the overseer of the representatives. They are in charge of maintaining order and fairness in the chamber, as well as hosting meetings and events for citizens to visit to make proposals. The Head of House is elected by the people, and serves as Head of House for life. There has been a recent push from Ilisians to set a term limit on the Head, however due to his general lack of governing power many believe it is perfectly acceptable for them to serve for life.

The 100 Representatives

House Representative Seating (2021-2024)

The 100 Representatives are appointed by the Head of House to represent the will of the people during House meetings. The Representatives are re-drawn every three years based on voting patterns in the most recent election. Representatives are sat at either side of a table, with the Conservative Party on the right and the Communist Party on the left. These representatives vote on tri-house proposals as well as act as a check to the Federal Ministries.

List of Ministries

The Ministries are seated below the House of Ministries and have a precise control over their individual government agencies.

Ministry of Commerce

The Ministry of Commerce is the federal department for market control and regulation. Founded in 2020 by the INCP, the Ministry of Commerce is the newest addition to the Federal Ministries. MinComm funds the personal commercial aspects of Ilisian Markets

Ministry of Communication

The Ministry of Communications regulates national news and media as well as public events such as concerts and government conventions

Ministry of Infrastructure

The Ministry of Infrastructure (or Minfra) constructs government subsidized housing, roads, and public transit lines.

Ministry of Health and Disease Prevention

The Ministry of Health constructs and maintains the national helthcare facilities, such as hospitals and medical research centers. They also manage the prevention, classification, and studying of diseases in Ilesland and allied nations.

Ministry of Social Welfare

The Social Welfare Ministry ensures the safety of the Commune. They provide families with necessary resources for health, education, and general welfare as well as ensuring that basic needs are met for all people.

Ministry of Culture and Social Design

The Ministry of Culture and Social Design allocates funding to national arts programs, provides grants to students interested in arts, and funds the discovering of historical insight into the cultures of pre-modern Ilesland

Ministry of Housing and Accommodation

Provides for the construction and maintaining of housing and is responsible for finding housing for all members of the Commune

Ministry of Labour

Tracks job security and provides funding to industries for the employment of all Ilisians

Ministry of Transportation

Funds public transport as well as international travel and tourist programs.