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* Population- 36.3 Million
* Demonym- Ilisian
* Capital- Villerona (population 18.24 million)
* Currency- Ilisian Dir (Ð)

Revision as of 21:43, 29 June 2021


  • Location- Northern Yasterian Continent
  • Population- 36.3 Million
  • Demonym- Ilisian
  • Capital- Villerona (population 8.4 million)
  • Currency- Ilisian Dir (Ð)


The Royal Society (1755-1925)


The Royal Society of Ilesland was founded in 1755 when they seceded from The North. Sir Thomas Snow of Villerona signed the formal letter to the King marking the end of The North. The Royal Society was led by the Snow family who maintained the previous unions system of Kings, Lords, and Serfs. However King Thomas Snow delegated a significant amount of power to the provinces of Ilesland, allowing them to elect representatives and set laws under Provincial Courts. This level of freedom was new to the people and provinces of Ilesland and garnered the Snow family large support.

The First Snow Dynasty

The Snow Dynasty lasted from 1755 to 1790. King Thomas Snow ruled until his death in 1780 when his son Prince Henry Snow took the throne.

Henry was known to be much less merciful than his father, and upon his rise to power King Henry removed all provincial power and dismantled the Provincial Courts. King Henry removed all unroyal citizens from the Castle City within Villerona. This led to what became known as The Great Terror. Knights of Henry's Royal Army were known to execute any dissenters and were given the rights to all land. The king starved thousands of innocent citizens by stealing crops and poisoning cattle. In retaliation Lord Fredrich Wellisburg II of Hurstall led the 1790 Rising, which resulted in the Death of King Henry Snow.

The Wellisburg Dynasty

The Wellisburg Dynasty took over in the summer of 1790 and for his time on the throne there was peace. The lower classes gained significant powers once again, with the establishment of The Royal Parliament. His rule remained uncontested by all classes. The Wellisburg family continued to reign for 90 years, then in 1880 the Snow family killed King Wellisburg IV and reinstated the Snow Dynasty.

The Second Snow Dynasty

The snows returned to the throne in 1880. Not much is known about this time as the King burned all history records. We do know he dismantled The Royal Parliament but little else is known of the time.

The "Duocratic" Period (1925-1975)

In July of 1925 the Anti Monarchal Coalition killed the King and instated what became known as The Duocracy. This was the beginning of what we call Modern Ilesland, and was a decisively rough start. While the Coalition maintained majority support and were a popular regime there was an extreme limit to power. All decisions were made by the two Dear Leaders, who held supreme executive power over all other members of the Council.

Despite the imbalance the Coalition used their power to educate the population and introduce Capitalism into Ilisian society as a replacement for monarchism. The Coalition were the first to divide Ilesland into multiple individual provinces, who would meet with the state to better attend to the needs of their jurisdiction.

Over the next few decades Democracy began to take favour over benevolent dictators and Jack Snow began the Democratic Revolution. By 1975 he had executed the Dear Leaders and held the first election.

Ilesland First Democratic Movement (1975~1984)

The first election brought about yet another member of the Snow Family, who would in just five years would be removed from office and sentenced to death by hanging for his funding of domestic terrorists and embezzlement, both class treasons punishable by death.

In yet another twist of irony the next elected official was Hunter Wellisburg. He was also the Founder of the Civil Military, a system created to counteract the rampant crime and terrorism brought about by the negligent Snow family. This would be the only honest achievement of his administration that would hold any semblance of value or importance. He is known as one of the worst leaders in our history, and is regarded by many as a topic not even worthy of thought or discussion.

The Civil Military Era (1984-2010)

The Civil Military of Ilesland (or ICM) was initially created by Wellisburg to combat crime and terrorism. In 1990 the ICM initiated the Martial Law Edict and began their accent to power.

The Founding

Initially the ICM was a derivative of the Royal Military who were kept in the Motherland to maintain peace. They were divided into smaller groups called ICM Units, deployed to the individual districs of every city. The ICM Units were controlled by the Head Official of the ICM, Natalie Daggarbourne, and reported to her for assignment.






