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The United Socialist Republic of Ilesland is a country on the Northern [[Yasteria|Yasterian]] Continent. The USRI was founded by current President and Supreme Leader of the Executive House, Nicolas Cannon, after the death of former President Janssen. The country today undergoes several acts of revision from the newly implemented government. The Ilisian Communist Party (Formerly INCP) is the current majority leader, with 54% support.
What is now known as Modern Ilesland came together in 2019-2020 after the defeat of the fascist party in the East, and reunification of the two sides.
Ilesland has had a history of civil strife and corruption of government, which is rumored to continue to this day. The initial Governing Order, The Royal Society, founded the nation as a break away from the larger North. Throughout the years since it's founding the country has had several regime changes, each bringing about a new Governing Order.
{{Infobox country|motto=Ave Operarios (Hail The Workers)|national_anthem='Anthem of Liberation'
A political map of Ilesland and surrounding nations|capital=Viilerona City, Villerona (Pop. 6.15 million)|image_flag=IleslandFlag.png|alt_flag=The United Workers Flag|government_type=Socialist Worker's Democracy
Current [[Supreme Executive Leader|Supreme Executive Leader]]: Nicolas Cannon (INCP)
Current [[President of Ilesland|President]]: SEL Cannon (INCP)
Current [[Ilesland House of Ministries|Head of the House of Ministries]]: Min. Christine Reinbach (Conservative)|area_km2=467,720.57|conventional_long_name=The United Socialist Republic of Ilesland|common_name=Ilesland|currency=Ilisian Dir (Ð)|demonym=Ilisian|symbol_type=Seal|image_coat=IleslandSeal.png|alt_coat=The Seal of the High Order}}
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==== Communist Revolution ====
Gianna would only be president for a few weeks under Unified Ilesland, before succumbing to symptoms of COVID-19pneumonia. After which current PDL Cannon held a single day coup, resulting in the foundation of the USRI and INCP.
Ilesland is 467,720.57 square kilometers in size and is made up of 18 provinces and the Lackley Island. Being a part of the Lake Miiyu Region of Yasteria Major Ilesland is known for harsh winter and mild to warm summers.
The mainland nation of Ilesland is made up of 18 provinces and the [[Lackley Islands]], a territory purchased by the West during the Civil War.
([[List of Ilisian Provinces]])
[[File:Map of Ilesland.jpg|thumb|A Map of Ilesland]]
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[[File:Lower House.jpg|thumb|The House of Ministries and High Courts Building]]
The government of Ilesland is broken into multiple different regimes throughout history. Often times governments in Ilesland have been known to be corrupt and many different political officials have been assassinated, or died under unnatural causes. That being said The government has been systematically restructuring since early 2012 to work to weed out corruption and abuse of power.
=== Modern Government ===
The modern government is dictated by the [[Ilisian Neo-Constitution]] and is broken into three separate Houses:. The Housesystem, ofcalled the ExecutiveHouse Triumvirate, The Houseconsists of the Ministries,two Lower Houses and the RoyalExecutive CourtsHouse
==== The House of Executives ====
The Executive House, ofoften called the Upper House Executivesor the Operating Order, is headed by the President, who is regardedacts as the "President,Supreme ''DearExecutive Leader''." The PDLPresident elects toten hiscabinet house a set of delegates, known as a cabinet,members to headaid ain seriespolicy of executive powersmaking. The Executive holdsHouse is the poweronly ofgoverning vetostructure againstable theto othercreate branches,propositions thoughto isthe requiredLower toHouses. obeyAll thenew Royallaws Courtsmust interpretationbe ofauthored by the Neo-Constitution. The Executive House holds an election every year, and placespassed noby term limitsthe onLower presidencyHouses.
==== The House of Ministries ====
The House of Ministries is the authoritativegoverning figurebody of all federal organizations, with the Ministriesexception of Ileslandthe IAF. The House of Ministries consists of 100 policy makers who are elected by the Head of House. isPolicy electedMakers everyserve anywhere from three to ten years byon the membersCouncil ofand theare Ministries.elected Theyto holdrepresent the responsibilityparty standings. The House of managingMinistries fundingis andresponsible regulationfor ofapproving legislation before it is sent to the MinistriesHigh Courts.
When a proposition is directed at a ministry the House must agree and the Head of Ministry must accept the proposal, unless the proposal is regarded as unconstitutional by the courts. If the House rejects a proposal it is sent to the courts, if the courts accept it the House should have a retrial. For the House to reject the bill a second time they must outline the cause for rejection for it to be sent back to the courts. If the courts approve of the changes the proposal will go into effect, if they do not the proposal will be vetoed.
==== The High Courts ====
The High Courts (once called Royal Courts) is a series of 100 judges responsible for the approval of legislation on a federal level. All legislation still must be proposed by the Executive, at which point the Courts will review the bill. If they vote to approve it will be sent to the House. If the House approves the bill will become law, if not the courts are given the authority with a 70% support to overturn the House and Pass the legislation.
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Ilesland is a socialist nation where all industry is owned and operated by the federal Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Labour. Smaller industry is owned and operated by provincial Councils of Commerce and Councils of Labour. The Commerce ministries were adopted into the House of Ministries in 2021 to acquire all industrial and commercial buildings.
The exception to this rule was introduced in the [[Commerce and Cooperatives in Ilesland]] which allows individuals to operate cooperative businesses provided they abide by the Ministries regulations.
The GDP of Ilesland is approx. 623 billion Ð
Ilesland is a cold climate known for harsh winters and mild summers, especially near the Itur Coast. As a result fashion trends in Ilesland reflect the harsh conditions. Longer hair is often most common, and so is thicker clothing such as fur.
[[Category:Work In Progress]]
=== Music ===
Music in Ilesland spans across many popular genres. Music has taken a post-modern turn in recent years with many foreign and local [ synth-pop] and [ post punk] bands. Much of the music scene in Ilesland consists of slower melodic and darker songs with futuristic twists.
=== Food ===
The Ilisian culinary experience is not for everyone. Rocky terrain and harsh climates have made agriculture very difficult. There are also not many land animals that could be hunted, so historically fish has been the most popular meat. Bordering the Lake Miiyu and Golf of Itur, along with the freshwater springs and lakes, has made fishing the primary source of protein. Winter Soup, a historical dish consisting of carrots peas and potatoes in a water broth, is a very simple dish popular in the North due to its ability to be prepared in the winter. Often times before running water was available in the North during the Winter Months the lakes would freeze over so people would use melted snow to boil whatever vegetables they had, often carrots and potatoes.
[[Category:Work Inin Progressprogress]]
