Hvaloaszna: Difference between revisions

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== Economy ==
The Valoasan economy is going through a transition from heavily agricultural commodities (''predominated coffee, cotton and sugar beets)'' to a more diversified economy, consisting services, agriculture, manufacturing and mining. Hvaloaszna still primary a agricultural based economy centered central island of Krystall, with the western island hosting the growing tourism and manufacturing sectors. The Krystall, formerly Sentrik island acts as a important infrastructure center going between the three islands and hosts the largest airport within the country. Many in the country depend on remittances, primary using [[Voyage Union]] as a transaction service, working within [[North Concordian Economic Forum]]. Due to the governmental and political issues, the country routinely suffers issues economically primary due to each of the islands having widely different economic policies. Furthering difficulties and economic disparity between the islands, post-Unity Akuan republic state.
The economy and polices widely shift between the three isles with the central island acting 'bridge' between the Western and Eastern islands. Attempts to integrate Western and Eastern economies historically has been less than successful, as such the Central island as the integration for the both of them.
=== Manufactory ===
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== Foreign Policy ==
Administrators, verified
