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m (This is why, kids, we have soelling BEEs, not spelling COWs.)
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== History ==
=== Iron Age, Settlement and SettlementConfederation Era ===
Early settlement by Akuanists from the Southern reaches of Borean and northern reaches of [[Sloughbiszna]], began in the late iron age estimated to be around 317 BC with ships landing on the middle island searching for tin and copper mining deposits. Later expanding out their foothold in the island chain by settling on the other two islands in 327 BC. While minerals were never discovered between the three islands, the land was rich and the seas nearby were noted to be full of fish, in tablets sent back to St. Lilith Temple in Nystatiszna. The settlements grew steadily around the coastal cities, fishing and whaling becoming a major part of the trade within the regionnorthern sea channel of [[Yasteria]]-[[Borea]].
Salt was later discovered on the central island in 339 BC, making it into an important trade hub through the region. The settlement that harvest the salt from the nearby mine being the foundations for the city of Skiendore. Salt trade brought in new amounts of wealth and trade to the trio of islands with the central island collecting most of the wealth from the trade, while the other two lagged in comparison. The collection of city-states mostly formed a government around the merchants that traded the salt and the Brewmasters of the cities. City states eventually came together in a confederation in the late 510 BC, to formed a unified front in protecting their trade of whaling and salt. The Confederation lasted until the 1710 AD, where the combined might of the Borean Trading Company, Norgsveltian Borean Trading Company and Vistari Colonial Company forced the dissolution of the confederation according to the Treaty of Non-Compliance and Commerce. The Confederation was made up of brewmasters and elected figures (often the merchants within the cities) to form the government. The Confederation required unanimous consent by all brewmasters and representatives within the congress to pass or create laws for the Confederation.
During the early 700s BC, the salt trade brought in enough wealth towards the central island that the Confederation came to a agreement to a infrastructure plan which aimed to connected all the cities by road and islands by bridges. The construction started from Skiendore, the center of trade and location of the largest salt mine on the central island. It was the start of the long process of Skiendore becoming the leading city state within the Confederation, having gave the majority of the money in the infrastructure plan and later on having directly influencing it's nearby city states bring them under their control. Over the centuries the cities state within the central island became more unified, forming the first Akuan Republic within the Confederation. The first Akuan Republic was formed with a direct democracy and brewmasters serving as a adviser role for the government. The other two islands, was able to form their own Akuan Republics modeling themselves after the central island much quicker than the first republic.
=== Pre-colonized Era ===
Reformation of the 1200, the Confederation went under a series of reforms with several aims. First being to break the last of the free city-states and changing the focus from protecting trading rights, the political independence of small city states to one that focus on a centralization of a Akuanist Republic. Focusing on the three islands as the members instead of the cities within the islands, making the Confederation legislature only having three members. The reformed still required a unanimously consent to form laws or actions, and due to concern of the domineering influence of the Central Island. Eastern and Western islands formed a political alliance against the central island.
=== Colonized Era ===
=== 1600s ===
The early 1600s was a great era for the Confederation, as it's ability to monopolize the salt trade within the region allowed them to expand it's influence through the region. Establishing trading posts Southern [[Borea]] in where modern day nations of [[Gusanszna]], [[Blaskog]] with the only non-Borean trading post being in [[Sloughbiszna]]. Another massive construction
=== 1700s ===
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=== 1800s ===
=== 1900s, ===
==== the Great War and civil disruption ====
Administrators, verified
