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==== Borean-Ice Plague Crisis ====
The Borean-Ice plague began slow, with only a handful of port cities being inflicted with the plague. Starting with the central and eastern island in 1640, the local city governments isolated themselves and the Confederation response proper was widely considered to be lackluster. With arguments between the republics about how to deal with the outbreaks, with discussion mainly be focused around how it would affect trade within the Confederation. Fearing the lost of trade and cultural influence in the region, thus the Confederation came to a lead to the final agreement, they would not lock down the country and will enforce a blockade on the plague stricken cities.
The Borean-Ice plague began slow, with only a handful of port cities being inflicted with the plague.
However the majority of the Confederation ships was occupied protecting it's trade routes and relied heavily on the local city on having establishing militia to blockade the land routes. Which end with many of the militias members of the cities being infected before hand by the plague and thus spreading it when turning people away from the cities. Spreading the plague through out the all three of islands, as travelers spread the Borean-Ice to all the cities. As militias often was the first ones to be infected with the sickness. 1645 the Confederation was forced to isolate itself and call back it's trading posts. Losing it's influence within the region, it's wealth and majority of it's population. The Borean-Ice plague died out on the eastern and central island in 1647, the Confederation had a agreement that only when all the islands are free from plague they will open up the country again.
==== Corporations Entry ====
The Borea Trading Company was the first of the major companies to venture into Hvaloazna in 1649. Sending a large fleet to force open the ports and demand trade concessions to take control of the salt trade within the island. The Confederation was forced to accept the terms, due it’s lack of a proper navy or military after years of dealing with the Borean-Ice Plague. The BTC seized control of all the major shipping ports on the central island and the state company that ran the salt trade company. Directly owning all of the salt trade coming out of the Confederation. The Confederation was forced to change it's constitution requiring all meetings and laws to be approved by the BTC.
The Norgsveltian Borean Trade Company was the second of the major companies to venture into Hvaloazna in 1650, though was least successful among the three as most of its attention was placed into building up their gains in modern day Rikevaarland. It was heavily dependent on the Imperial Realms Navy to force the Confederation to give concessions to the Company, mainly in the aspect of getting trade access to western island and to allow its ports for Norgsveltian navy’s usage. By the 1670s Norgsveltian Borean Trade Company had full control of the island, in all but name. But was dependent on the Norgsveltian monarch to keep hold of it.
The Vistari Colonial Company arrived on the eastern island in 1651, overtaking strategic ports to monopolize exports. While the colony was nominally successful, overtaking a large portion of the island, it was notably only a passing interest of the VCC in comparison to the far more successful Concordian triangular trade. The island had come to prove itself deficient in resources, with Vorpestian labour sent over to cultivate the land being sent back after a few years of minimal returns. Following a few years of this, it was decided that seizing goods from the locals was necessary to recuperate the losses. The VCC collected a number of historical and religious artifacts, selling them to the highest bidder. Fishing remained as one of the only remaining successful industries from the colony, with the VCC overfishing in a number of regions on the island.
=== 1700s ===
Administrators, verified
