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'''Hvaloaszna''' (''Ny-stat-is-nuh''), officially the '''Akuanist Republic of Hvaloaszna''', is a collection of three islands directly to the north of [[Yasteria]]. Hvaloaszna on the costal border of [[Sloughbiszna]]. The geography is dominated by a humid continental climate and primary flatten plain with the exception of handful of large hills located on the central and the western islands. Hvaloaszna has a population of over 27 million.
The population is young, urban on the western island, rural on the eastern island and heavily mixed on the central island. [[Akuanism]] is the largest religion in the country and the principal language is [[Nys'tat'en]] with [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norwegian_language Norgsveltian] on the western island and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dutch_language Vistarian] serving as an additional official language on the eastern island. The head of the executive branch title is the shrinekeeper and is currently held by Ny'tern Bjørlic, of the Akuan Social Front party. The legislature head is the First Minister, Stijn Dijkstra of the Community of People party.
Administrators, verified
