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(→‎Politics: fiddling with a few things to fit "The Count" RP)
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The elective aspect of Hlenderia's monarchy dates to the country's formation and first constitution. Traditionally, bands of each ethnic group of Hlenderia elected their chiefs, who would hold their position until death.<ref>{{Cite book |title=Ancient Traditions, Modern World |last1=Hlerdi |first1=Dorris |publisher=Arrow Books |year=1997 |pages=98}}</ref> The first Grand Council opted to continue this system when drafting the country's constitution. Powers reserved to the monarch include a veto power over bills, which the Grand Council can only override with a supermajority, the right to appoint chiefs of the Bureaus that serve as the government bureaucracy, the right to appoint judges and magistrates, and a number of other "emergency powers" that are rarely exercised in the modern era.
The current King, [[Yendrin Kwarrōth]], was elected in 1991. Before his accession, Yendrin was an influential member of the right-wing party [[Traditionalist Kwarim]], but since taking the throne he has moved to the center of the political spectrum and focused on modernizing efforts.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.norrithobserver.co.hl/yendrin-modernization-political-shift/|publisher=Norrith Observer|title=Prioritizing modernization, Yendrin reverses political course|date=October 2001}}</ref> His only child, Yendrina Kwarrōth, is a member of the centrist Liberal[[Kwari People's Party]] and sits in the Grand Council. Yendrin's wife, Mera Kwarrōth, died in 1986 and he never remarried. Most political observers believe Yendrina is the most likely successor to the throne. <ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.politicalwatch.co.hl/659416299/|publisher=Hlenderian Political Watch|title=Yendrina fills in for father at press event; another sign of her future?|date=December 2023}}</ref>
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The Grand Council of Hlenderia is elected at-large every five years, or earlier if the legislature is dissolved or votes to hold an early election. The King is given the power to suspend and dissolve the Council, but must call a new election within two months. The Council elects a President from among its members, whose position is analogous to that of a Prime Minister or Chancellor in other nations. The current President is [[Marsilamat Indari]], an ethnic Kwari. The President works closely with the King to set public policy and enact legislature.
The Grand Council has 187 seats. Of these, 144 are [[Wikipedia:reserved political positions|reserved seats]] divided between the Kwari, Vrotri, and Mūni people according to proportion of population. This arrangement, present since Hlenderia's founding, can cause census years to be times of heightened ethnic tensions.<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.norrithobserver.co.hl/muni-fight-presages-further-violence/|publisher=Norrith Observer|title=After 5 Mūnim Hospitalized, Predictions of Further Census Violence|date=March 2017}}</ref> The census, which occurs every eight years, last occured in 20182016 and is scheduled to occur again in 20262024.
The remaining 43 seats are open to all candidates, and primarily represent districts in cities along the coast and the largest interior settlements. These seats are often key swing votes in major issues, and constitute an informal "upper house" in the unicameral Council.<ref>{{Cite journal |last=Mensel |first=Nilera |date=2002 |title=Analysis of Great Council Voting Records by District |journal=Hlenderian Political Science |volume=1 |issue=3 |pages=5-9}}</ref>
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| [[United Vrotrim]]
| Center-left to center-right
| 5751
| [[Kwari People's Party]] <br />
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| [[Traditionalist Kwarim]]
| Center-right to right-wing
| 1925
| [[Mūni People's Front]]<br />