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[[File:Jugger Hannover2.jpg|thumb|Hjortpasset game being played in [[Helslandr]]]]
'''Hjortpasset''' is a sport originating from the [[Nystapi People]] in the 1980s during Nystapi renaissance. Hjortpasset being the largest [[Borea|Borean]]-originated sport played outside of [[Borea]], being played in [[Concord]], in far-west [[Yasteria]] namely [[Eyjaria]], [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]], [[Helslandr]], [[Pledonia|Pledonié]] and [[Nakosa|Nacrésia]]. The sport became included into the [[Norgsveltian Crown Realm#Ullr-Yunyøn Games|Ullr-Yunyøn Games]] in 2007, and has several international organizations for tournaments. In universities primary in [[Federation of the Southern Coast|Federation]] and [[Norgsveldet]], have establish their own leagues of play. There are different styles of play, but the most common one is traditional Nystapi Hjortpasset of play. The first international tournament was held in [[Blaskog]] in 1992, with the first intercontinental game being held in [[Osfjord]], [[Norgsveldet]]. The largest tournament in the world is the North Concordian Hjortpasset League, the final game being always played [[République C.D]], formally it was always started in [[Lapliszna|Neylapdor]] but due to the [[Syrtænzna Dissolution War]] in 2022. The future starting games will be held in Sverdstrand, in [[Eyjaria]].
== Rules ==
Administrators, verified
