History of Fortuna: Difference between revisions

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For the first few years of Faro IV's reign, his main focus was on securing his position and that of the Rocaillic Dynasty. In 1127, he established the Ascension Law which established the order of succession with it being more precisely primogeniture. Faro IV also strived to make peace with the west, and in 1129 he set up a non-aggression pact with Greldonia and promoted trade between the two states. This would lead to an economic boom for the empire, and with the west secured, it allowed for him to turn his focus towards the Medium Sea. Although the first place the Norvians came into contact with in the Aspirian Isles, the Medium Sea and the islands there were forgotten as the Norvians continued southward. From the expeditions under Sergio to Ferdinand I's limited conquers in the sea had grown Fortuna's interest of the region over the century. With the threat of the west neutralized for the time being, Faro IV took this opportunity to expand the Fortunan Empire's influence over the Medium Isles. By 1141, the empire had reached as far as the islands of Opali and Grenato. It was also during this time when the empire became more aware of the political entities in the region, such as the Republic of Telga and the Kingdom of Ambravia. Faro IV would succumb to sickness soon after in 1144, leading to his son, Verenzio II, to succeed him as emperor.
The next half century would see multiple conflicts between the Fortunan Empire and the political states of Northern Aspirian Isles, known as the Medium Wars. Most of the conflicts would be between the Fortunan Empire and the Kingdom of Ambravia over the Medium Isles. The wars would start off between the Fortunan Empire and the Republic of Telga in 1151 when the government of Telga denounced Fortuna's claim to the islands of Opali and Grenato, leading to their fleets clashing with each other. Although gaining the upper hand with the total annihilation of the Telganese's ships, Verenzio II agreed to end the war with the Teglanese in 1163 and set up a peace deal between them. This fragile peace would break down soon after as Fortunan and Telganese forces clashed with each other once more in 1170. Verenzio II would not live to see the end of the war with the Telganese, falling to illness in 1175 and leading to his eldest son, Verenzio III, to succeed him. During Verenzio III's reign, he would successfully defeat the Telganese in 1178 and conquering their islands. This would immediately lead to further conflict, this time with the Kingdom of Ambravia who had been financially supporting the Republic of Telga and were outraged with the result of the Fortunan Empire further spreading their influence northward. In 1182, Ambravia launched a naval invasion of the Telga Isles, successfully pushing the Fortunans out.
===Era of the High Commanders (1275-1430)===
