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===Era of the High Commanders (1275-1430)===
The Era of the High Commanders is a unique period in the Fortunan Empire's history where succession was based off appointment instead of primogeniture. When Calisto came to power, he came to believe that the order of succession was what nearly caused the collapse of the Fortunan Empire. Instead, Calisto would appoint his commander of the Imperial Guard, Raffaele, to succeed him as Calisto considered him a capable leader. Calisto would take even further steps to separate himself from previous emperors by dissolving the title of emperor and taking on High Commander instead. To keep the peace with the nobility, he would take on the name Valence VI and marry Anastasia of Terine. During his reign, he immediately cracked down on the uprisings in Eridani Theta and dealing with rebellious nobles.
Fridericus I
===Crenic Dynasty (1430-1602)===