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Organic Nationalism is the idea that if a nation is meant to prosper and help its people the fundamental political establishment of said nation has to work for that goal. In which the ideal that a nationalistic democracy or an “Organic Democracy” should be established to ensure the national soul of the people comes to life. In which a more nationalistic society would emerge according to Elgsent which he called “True Nationalism” or “Organic Nationalism” as it one created organically by the people. In which he contrasted it with what he called for as the “Imperial Nationalism” or “False Nationalism” used by the Norgsveltian nobility. One which he argued had no other purpose but to line pockets of nobility instead of enriching the Norgsveltian people.
Elgsent was well known for his dislike of the colonial empire Norgsveldet has and proclaimed that only lands settled by ethnic Norgsveltians should be controlled by Norgsveldet. He had a deep hatred of natives that were under colonial control and promoted the idea of deporting them to create “living space” for the Norgsveltian people. Through such actions can an “Organic Empire without noble elites” be established according to Elgsent’s views.
==== Radical Secularism ====
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