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The history of Hausberg stretches thousands of years, to when people first inhabited the area, to modern-day.
The history of Hausberg stretches thousands of years, to when people first inhabited the area, to modern-day.

==Ancient Hasuberg==
==Ancient Hausberg==
Ancient Hausberg covers the time from when people first inhabited the land thousands of years ago, to when the Reiktic people invaded the Kingdoms of Taluniko.
Ancient Hausberg covers the time from when people first inhabited the land thousands of years ago, to when the Reiktic people invaded the Kingdoms of Taluniko.

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===The Kingdoms of Rikaliana===
===The Kingdoms of Rikaliana===
In 154 BC with the conquest of the Denonert, The Taluniko people, who are said to have been descendants of the Tulako people, established their own kingdoms. Over hundreds of years, the Taluniko people spread across Talusi, conquering and assimilating. By 479 AD, the Taluniko people had conquered all of Talusi. For the next 300 years, various kingdoms rose and fell. In 783 AD, incursions from south of the Taluniko kingdoms began to occur. Within 10 years, these incursions began to become full-scale invasions from the south. These invaders, known as the Reiktic, invaded the southern Taluniko kingdoms across the modern Hausberg-Talusi border and the western Taluniko kingdoms by crossing the Bay of Reiktic. The kingdoms easily fell to the new invaders at first. Then, the northern and eastern kingdoms banded together in order to repel the invaders. It worked, for a time. The Reiktic invaders were held at a stand-still for over 20 years. However, more and more Reiktic people began moving into the new Reiktic kingdoms, allowing them to amass larger armies. By 821 AD, the Reiktic kingdoms struck again. This time, the remaining Taluniko kingdoms were unable to hold the invaders back. In 834 AD, the last of the Taluniko kingdoms fell. Talusi was now under the control of the Reiktic kingdoms, who would rule for hundreds of years.
In 213 AD with the conquest of the Giterona, the Rikalina established their own kingdoms. Over hundreds of years, the Rikaliana spread across Hausberg, conquering and assimilating. By 498 AD, the Rikaliana had conquered all of Hausberg. For the next nearly 300 years, various kingdoms rose and fell. In 783 AD, following a population boom, the Rikaliana began to invade the southern and western Talunikonian Kingdoms. Within 10 years, these incursions began to become full-scale invasions. The Rikaliana, who began to become known as the Reiktic, invaded the southern Talunikonian Kingdoms across the modern Hausberg-Talusi border and the western Talunikonian Kingdoms by crossing the Bay of Reiktic. The kingdoms easily fell to the new invaders at first. Then, the northern and eastern kingdoms in Talusi banded together in order to repel the invaders. It worked, for a time. The Reiktic invaders were held at a stand-still for over 20 years. However, more and more people began moving from the Reiktic Kingdoms in Hausberg into the new Reiktic kingdoms in Talusi, allowing them to amass larger armies. By 821 AD, the Reiktic kingdoms struck again. This time, the remaining Taluniko kingdoms were unable to hold the invaders back. In 834 AD, the last of the Taluniko kingdoms fell. Talusi was now under the control of the Reiktic kingdoms, who would rule for hundreds of years.

==Modern Talusi==
==Modern Talusi==
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===The Reiktic Kingdoms===
===The Reiktic Kingdoms===
In 834 AD, the last Talunikonian kingdom fell to the Reiktic invaders. Meanwhile, in Hausberg, the Reiktic kingdoms fought with eachother and the Reiktic Kingdoms in Talusi. However, in 1066 AD, the Reiktic Kingdom of Relin, located in Southern Hausberg, began to conquer the other kingdoms surrounding it. By 1147 AD, Relin had conquered the other kingdoms in Hausberg. With it fully under his control, the King at the time, Cäsar Furstenfeld, declared himself Emperor of the Reiktic Empire.
In 834 AD, the last Talunikonian kingdom fell to the Reiktic invaders. With full control over the native Talunikonian people established, the Reiktic kings ruled with an iron fist. The Talunikonian language was banned, the people's native customs were banned, and they were forced to follow Reiktian customs and learn the Reiktic language. For hundreds of years, new kingdoms rose and fell, rebellions failed, and the Talunikonians were oppresed. The assimilation of the Talunikonians nearly succeeded. However, there were groups of Talunikonians that were able to escape the oppression by fleeing into the wilderness outside of the kingdoms. In 1292 AD, over 450 years after the last of the kingdoms of Taluniko fell, one kingdom began to rise above the rest. This kingdom, known as Legerralia, was situated in western Talusi. Within five years, it conquered the kingdoms immediately surround it. However, the kingdoms beyond that, were not so easy to conquer. It took over 33 years to conquer the rest of Talusi. In 1337 AD, Talusi was finally unified under the Kingdom of Legerralia. However, the kingdom had more things to worry about outside of their borders.

===The Reiktic Empire===
===The Reiktic Empire===