Green Party of the Oan Isles

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The Green Party of the Oan Isles is the largest political party in the Oan Isles by total volunteers. It is headed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Arana Marama.



The Green Party ascribes to environmentalist social democratic ideals. It describes it a primary goals as advancing the protection and preservation of natural habitats, the responsible and sustainable use of natural resources, and the use of nature to improve the quality of life of the people of the Oan Isles. To achieve these goals, it uses Socialist democratic political thinking. For instance, it believes that the government should and must intervene in the free market to protect nature and ensure sustainability of natural resources through regulation and control of strategic economic sectors. It believes that the free market it inherently willing to threaten the natural environment and must thus be carefully watched to stop it. Thus, the Green Party has an uneasy relationship with large companies especially the Oan Petroleum Corporation (OAN OIL) as it believes the exploitation of fossil fuels in inherently evil.


The Green Party pushes for the following policies:

  • Using multilateral geopolitical agreements and organizations to encourage a foreign nations to preserve nature.
  • Charging corporations are carbon tax to reduce carbon emissions and simultaneously rewarding corporations which meet state-set targets.
  • Preventing large scale logging of forests, restricting mining, setting quotas on fishing, permanently banning the trade of rare and exotic animals and heavily regulating mineral extraction in Oan territory.
  • Investing public funds and creating economic opportunities for the renewable energy industry, electric and hydrogen-powered vehicles and other related sectors.
  • Greenification of cities, enacting strict laws on littering and waste disposal, encouraging the use of public transport,
  • Changing urban planning and work culture to put more services closer to people so they do not have to travel far to work, live or play, thus supporting densification policies in cities.



Notable individuals