Green Party of the Oan Isles: Difference between revisions

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The Green Party consists of Branches at local and community level. The branches make most decisions by a vote of all members and they appoint different members to head initiatives and programs and represent their interests at higher levels. They form the foundation of the party as they carry out initiatives, campaign for elections, and provide for the well-being of their members. There is no formal membership process as people come and go as they choose. The branches have a lot of autonomy especially compared to other parties and they are not always obligated to abide by decisions made by higher structures. Branches are grouped into clusters at a local government level, then into sectors at island-level. These structures exist entirely for coordination and support. There is no national authority in charge of the party per-se. The annual Green Party National Convention brings together delegates from registered branches to vote on key issues. The Green Party National Convention Planning Committee (which is elected at the previous convention) organizes the administers the convention. This requires liaising with different bodies and external stakeholders, coordinating election campaigns, supporting and cultivating political talent, collating proposals from members and branches to develop policies for the Convention to adopt. Otherwise, there is no national authority over the party. The Chairperson of the GPNC Planing Committee is Minister of Foreign Affairs, Arana Marama. Members of the National Assembly who are part of the Green Party form the Green Party National Assembly Caucus and the Coordinator for that structure is Edgar Iparoha. The caucus is a deliberative forum for members of the NA with no power to force members to do anything.
The annual Green Party National Convention brings together delegates from registered branches to vote on key issues. The Green Party National Convention Planning Committee (which is elected at the previous convention) organizes the administers the convention. This requires liaising with different bodies and external stakeholders, coordinating election campaigns, supporting and cultivating political talent, collating proposals from members and branches to develop policies for the Convention to adopt. Otherwise, there is no national authority over the party. The Chairperson of the GPNC Planing Committee is Minister of Foreign Affairs, Arana Marama. Members of the National Assembly who are part of the Green Party form the Green Party National Assembly Caucus and the Coordinator for that structure is Edgar Iparoha. The caucus is a deliberative forum for members of the NA with no power to force members to do anything.
