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Although there are a number of theories that attempt to explain our lack of knowledge of this period of time, most do not have significant enough clout to be seriously considered in a scientific sense. The Drought and Great War Theories, although are the most likely and well-documented of the theories, are not entirely exclusive of each other. It is often argued that both could have happened simultaneously, and it is possible the war itself was caused by the lack of water forced on by the drought. Significant evidence from the Melit'hasa elven culture in the central Auroran Desert is vital to our knowledge on possible happenings during that time, although are not in and of themselves considered hard evidence of historical events. Archaeological discoveries within the desert are often used in conjunction with the Melit'hasa stories to understand what may have happened prior to the Great Vanishing.
===Drought Theory===
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===Great War Theory===
The Great War theory attests that a significant civilization-destroying war befell the civilizations of the Chalcolithic Era, forcing them back into the Stone Age technologically. Many murals on ruins found buried under the Great Auroran Desert often depict battles not accounted for in our modern understanding of history, and as such historians and archaeologists alike place these murals as possible evidence of a devastating war. Stories passed down by the Melit'hasa also mention a major war that their people suffered.
===Deadly Weather Event===
===Ice Age Theory===
cartographer, Administrators, verified
