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'''Gransrik''', formally the '''Holy Peasents' Republic of Gransrik''' is a small, extremely religious republic in North Novaris. It borders Veria to the South, with historically disputed claims with the nation.
Gransrik as a concept began from the interactions between exiles from Asendavian Arkalarius and the native Dwarf population in the 17th Century, but it was not until the ascendancy of Ottozhon Luter Evahansvador and his followers, - known as the ```Luterites``` - ,after a three year civil war that Gransrik would come under the radical Ademarist sect now refered to as "Gransmeric Ademarism."
Gransrik has always been notable for it's unique blend of religious doctrine and communal proto-socialist system. This so called "Theo-Socialism" takes the socialistic principles of welfare, abolishment of private property and workers' rights, but views them through a religious lens, with the Church a very powerful institution in the State. This system has seen much criticism from nations on both sides of the political spectrum, with Communist and Socialist States critical of the power of the Church, while many right-leaning states opposing the communal proto-socialist systems of the nation.
