Government:Tim Stark's Statement Regarding Crystalsummer/Wonder Woman

Revision as of 07:57, 3 November 2020 by Zukchiva (talk | contribs)

The following statement was made by East Pacific Police Service Commissioner Tim Stark on April 21st, 2019. It regarded the revelation of Wonder Woman, an influential Citizen of the East Pacific of the time, as an alias of a player known as Crystalsummer.

It is important to note that this statement was made without authorization from Delegate Fedele (the EPPS used to be under Executive control prior to 2020), representing a miscommunication issue within the government of the time.

The original statement can be found here.

Cyrstalsummer's made a subsequent statement in response to Tim's statement. Said statement can be found here.


Earlier today, former Chief Minister and present Arbiter Wonder Woman announced their resignation and departure from The East Pacific citing "RL issues". That statement is less than accurate, and the record needs to be set straight.

The individual known in The East Pacific as Wonder Woman I, and more casually across most of Gameplay as Wonder Woman, has over the past 48 hours been uncovered as an undeclared alias used by the player Crystalsummer. This was first noticed by The Grey Wardens, where Crystalsummer had recently returned to active duty, when Wonder Woman's World Assembly nation resigned suspiciously close to the WA admission of one of Crystalsummer's nations. The information was relayed shortly after to The East Pacific, where our own further investigation confirmed through forum-based userdata that Crystalsummer and Wonder Woman were beyond a reasonable doubt the same individual.

To eliminate any further question regarding the conclusion that was reached, Crystalsummer confessed to indeed being the player masquerading as Wonder Woman. Allied governments may reach out to Fedele for evidence of that confession.

4/19/2019, 12:36:08 PM EDT: Crystal J Summer was admitted to the World Assembly.
4/19/2019, 12:35:53 PM EDT: Crystal J Summer applied to join the World Assembly.
4/19/2019, 12:35:06 PM EDT: Mysterious Wonder resigned from the World Assembly.

The East Pacific encourages our friends and allies to express caution when dealing with Crystalsummer moving forward, and is hopeful that others will similarly condemn what appears to be a dangerous infiltration attempt upon our shores.

He will not be welcome in The East Pacific again.


Tim Stark TEP Minister of Integration