Fidal Prize: Difference between revisions

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|Yamdan Zaprotziavili
Vladimer Milaykhidze
Vladimir Milayovich
|{{Flag|Tivot}}<br>{{flagicon image|Nolovaflag.png}} [[Nolova]]
|For ground-breaking experimental methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems.
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|Pavla Sharevidze
|Perdan Shadzhrevich
|For their fundamental theoretical investigations of the electronic structure of magnetic and disordered systems
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|Ekaterina Yastreshvili
|Erin Yastrovna
|For their decisive contributions to elementary particle physics, in particular the contribution to the discovery of a large number of resonance states, made possible through their contribution to the development of the technique of using hydrogen bubble chamber and data analysis
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|Mikheili Svetroviuli
|Moravin Svetrovavich
|For their contribution to the contribution to the development of the molecular ray method and their contribution to the discovery of the magnetic moment of the proton
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|Robert Arceyender{{Flag|South Hills}}
|For their contribution to the invention of automatic valves designed to be used in combination with gas accumulators in lighthouses and buoys
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|Belthazar Wilhelm Sanchez
|{{Flag|South Hills}}
| For their investigations of the densities of the most important gases and for their contribution to the discovery of argon in connection with these studies
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|Kresser del Serrano
|Kilian de Santos-Cruz
|{{Flag|South Hills}}
cartographer, Administrators, verified
