Federation of the Southern Coast: Difference between revisions

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''Main Article:'' [[Côtois Combined Armed Forces]]
The head of the '''[[Côtois Combined Armed Forces]]''' is the [[Federal Prime Minister]], and acts as the directing chair of the '''Combined Armed Forces Council'''. As the directing chair, the FPM assigns the Minister of Defense and the chairs of branches. The (C.C.A.F.) represents the six branches of the Federation military, Armée de terre du Côtois (Côtois Army), Marine du Côtois (Côtois Navy), Aérospatiale et espace du Côtois (Côtois Aerospace and Space), Force d'autodéfense du Côtois (Côtois Self Defense Force), Garde côtière du Côtois (Côtois Coastal Guard), and Guerre non orthodoxe en Côtois (Côtois Unorthodox Warfare). The later branch, Côtois Unorthodox Warfare being subject to numerous conspiracies' theories, as officially the branch focus on biological, chemical, psychological and cyberwar warfare. However conspiracy theorists put forth that the branch actually produces biological and chemical weaponry that specifically target different species rather than defense against such weaponry though the Federation has denied such claims despite the limited evidence to the contrary. The Federation maintains one of the largest budgets and military personnel in the world. The intense collaboration with [[Norgsveltian Crown Realm]] and [[Norgsveldet]] in particular, the military-industrial complex and R&D is secondone onlyof tothe [[Greatmost Morstaybishlia]]famous andin [[Souththe Hills]]world. As in across the Crown Realm the shared integration of industrial-technological strength, results in if nation lacks ability to produce military product or military-close product than other nation can easily make up the different and the tight-knit bordering-shared markets allowing ease of access. Research and Development angle wise the [[Special Relationship (Norgsveldet-Federation)|Special Relationship]], resulted in Norgsveltian technological advancements be capitalized in industry by Côtois industrial might, then adapted towards [[Norgsveltian Crown Realm]] and later [[Red Crown Economic Union]] militaries. The ability to have not just a stream of high-end quality military equipment being made, but sold throughout the [[Union of Commonwealth Alliances]], [[Red Crown Economic Union]] and [[Norgsveltian Crown Realm]] results in plethora of experience being adapted for military technology, equipment lines and production slow downs. When it comes to buying military equipment, [[Norgsveldet]] and Federation are so entwine that in most cases, that nations buying army equipment such as firearms or tanks buy from [[Norgsveldet]] are actually buying from the Federation (or vise versa) but through Norgsveltian middlemen and a example of [[Special Relationship (Norgsveldet-Federation)#Norvegiançaise|Norvegiançaise]]. The stream of combat reports, shared advancements in technology being adapted to military use and other such aspects, results in a edge to Côtois-Norgsveltian Military-Industrial Complex.
The Côtois government maintains Université des Nations (University of Nations), which to simply studies various nations cultural, language, economic, politics and historical aspects of nations. The University studies various nations for economic, influential (such as soft power) and militarily reasons. Being a key part of Côtois doctrines, as the university acts as a guiding hand on how officers should act and treat natives of countries they're operating in, important/key figures in nations, diplomats protocols with given nations and so forth. While the Côtois Intelligence Agency still plays a role in information gathering, the university acts as a tool for the military to discover potential problems from cultural clashes, issues with occupations and so forth. Resulting in Côtois forces being one of the best, if not the best force to use for peacekeeping operations. As Côtois forces have the least amount of reported offenses in the world during peace-keeping operations ran by the Federation, as the officer core of the Federation is aware of cultural boundaries and issues thus ability to enforce it within the lower ranks to avoid friction. The university provides pamphlets with short phrases and important cultural aspects to beware of for NCOs and lower ranked soldiers while it provides courses for officers before a given operation called 'Cours de formation rapide' (Rapid Fire Course) for a brief overview culture and history. Additionally, the university helps the military designate specific targets that hold cultural or morale importance, such as religious sites, important historical buildings and so forth for invasions, occupations or peacekeeping operations. All of which part of the Côtois strategies of 'advantage stacking' and [[O.I.I.I.A.]] operations.
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The Federation not only maintains military bases across the Urth, but has training grounds alongside them alongside of [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professional_wargaming war games] with a plethora of nations. The heavy use of cross-training and war games not only keeps the readiness of the C.C.A.F, but makes it adaptable and aware of short comings. As the Federation abilities to adapt, regardless of the circumstance of the conflict has proved to be one of the most powerful aspects of the C.C.A.F. Rather than planning for every situation, the Federation doctrine is being able to adapt and change while still maintaining a coordinated organized force with its officers having considerable amounts of flexibility in their orders. The government of the Federation holds various operations or tests with various hypothetical situations to test itself in various ways outside of the military aspects such as economic or political. Examples being [[TONOP 173]], Natural Disaster Days and so forth, as the Côtois government semi-regularly wants to test itself incase of disasters, economic dangers and diplomatic fallouts. As such, the Côtois maintains plans for dealing with economic turmoil, diplomatic fallout and political unrest. Which of course is part of Côtois strategy of 'advantage stacking' and preparedness for situations but not strictly following structured plans, feeds into Côtois military strength.
The network of bases, alliances such as the [[RedNorgsveltian Crown Economic UnionRealm]], [[Federation of Bana|Republic of Bana]] and [[Red Crown Economic Union]] being a critical part of Côtois doctrine. Despite the common belief, Côtois rarely engage in armed conflicts alone often in cases they leverage their network of alliances with nations, paramilitary groups, political pressure organizations and so forth to support them in their endeavors. Even if the Côtois government enters alone militarily wise, the Côtois government is able to gather a maelstrom of support internationally and in several cases nationally within the hostile nation itself. Example being in the [[Ymirland Civil War]], where [[Norgsveldet]] was heavily supporting the Côtois government economically and in [[South Hills]] homegrown groups in Concord protested against the government in it's involvement in the war. Incases where other nations join the Côtois forces in conflicts in war or peacekeeping operations, thanks to the level of integration the Federation holds with their partners, disruption, misunderstandings and friction is kept minimum resulting in effective collaboration efforts during such operations.
Officially, the Federation doesn't maintain any connection to paramilitary groups across the world. As both [[Monarcho-Socialism]] ideology and in [[Côtois Culture]] itself has a strict view on the art of soldiering and warfare. Viewing paramilitaries, mercenaries and armed organizations that violate universally agreed on sapient rights as immoral. In particular when it comes to mercenaries, the Federation more than just agrees on the [Urth Geneva Conventions here] that mercenaries are illegal combatants but more than that, views mercenaries are a social ill on society and foot soldiers of capitalism. As war in [[Côtois Culture]] and [[Monarcho-Socialism]] view, should be done for moral and just reasons, and the soldier profession is treated with high honors not to be sullied by inferior reasoning such as money but only by righteous reasons. When it comes to paramilitary forces, while officially the Côtois government doesn't maintain relations or connections with such forces. The Côtois government maintains connections with 'Armed Liberation Movements' and related groups, offering support to them. The Côtois connection to such groups is practically being virtually global, however rather than being a dogmatic in its support of armed liberation movements. The Côtois leverages more in diplomatic sense for cease-fires and negations. Besides the diplomatic aspects these paramilitary groups are often in use during operations and conflicts conducted by Côtois government, using them as supplement force, scouting or other so force. In some cases, even using the armed liberation movements as a de-facto governing force in occupied areas though with limitations and oversight by the Côtois government.
Administrators, verified
