Federation of the Southern Coast: Difference between revisions

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== PoliticalGovernment Structureand Politics ==
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=== Foreign Relations ===
''(Main Articles: [[Foreign relations of the Federation of the Southern Coast|Foreign relations of the Federation]] and [[Foreign policy of the Federation of the Southern Coast|Foreign policy of the Federation]])''
The Federation is a member of the [[International Forum]] and currently a sitting member of the Security Council. It has a [[Special Relationship (Norgsveldet-Federation)|Special Relationship]] with [[Norgsveldet]] established in 1936 after the coronation of Gustaf III as king of [[Norgsveldet]]. It holds this relation despite being hostile with two of Norgsveltian close allies [[South Hills]] and [[Vistaraland]], both of which it has fought a war with in the past. With the most recent conflict being the [[Ymirland Civil War]] against [[South Hills]] in 2018 ending in 2019 when [[South Hills]] pulled out of the conflict. It has historically, always had hostile relations with [[Vistaraland]] and [[Federation-Vistaraland relations]] have never been positive, including during the Fridge era when the two sides affectively ignored each other's existence.
Federation is the founding nation of the [[Red Crown Economic Union]], a socialist democratic political-economic-militarily union. It found alongside with its closest allies [[Zemeprievadai]] and [[Auravas]]. Later including [[Ymirland]], [[Nystatiszna]], [[Ny’Natrotomi]] and [[Kuduk]]. The driving force of the RCEU being the Federation itself, contributing the lion share of aid, military assistance and investments into the member states. It holds close relations to the [[Federation of Bana]], which in 2023 pegged their currency to the [[Red Krone]]. Additionally holding close relations to [[Eyjaria]] and [[Helslandr]], with directives such as [[Together Lapérouse!]] and the second highest contributing member to the [[Bassot Plan]], the reconstruction plan of [[Helslandr]].
The driving principles of the Federation's Foreign Policy is marked by the Séverin and Morel doctrine, which is to create a Federation aligned or allied countries and establish a separate world market free of exploitive labor. The Morel doctrine plots out the creation of a [[Universal Socialist Currency]], which aims to counter the more traditional and imperialist currencies such as the [[Kirib]] or the Vistari Gildemerk. As well creation of a separate world market, which products are free of exploitive labor practices. The Séverin doctrine which works alongside the Morel doctrine, aims to use the economic power of the Federation to establish allies or friendly nations to create a network to assist in pushing the separate world market ideals and developed traditionally colonized or undeveloped nations.
The Séverin doctrine, establish several models of Federation direct investment and aid programs. The Federation being one of the top investors and aid givers on Urth to undeveloped and developing nations. Being a corner stone of Federation foreign policy to provide low interest loans to developing nations, as well agricultural modernization loans. With the Agricultural loans, common feature of which is to have payments according to the world market price for agricultural goods being produced as well working with Federation's own state-owned companies which provide agricultural equipment such as tractors to sell at wholesale to the country. It is common to use the state owned companies within the Federation to be included within the investment schemes of the Federation to provide assistance through selling at slightly above what traditionally is considered profitable. Virtually all of Federation's investment schemes come along with building of infrastructure that directly related to the investments, such as schools, vocational education centers and so forth with the goal being not only to invest economically into the country but invest into the people themselves of the country to create a more well rounded economy as not to accidently create a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rentier_state rentier state] and make a more diverse economy of the invested country.
When it comes to loans to building infrastructure, the Federation does a joint partnership based on contribution of the money by either side and features the slow selling of the infrastructure back to the native country. For a example building a bridge within a native country, it could be a program where the Federation owns 99% of the bridge and sells 1% to 5% each year to the native country at a fixed rate adjusted for inflation. All investments, aid programs and so forth are only given and received in [[Red Krone]] traditionally, though some expectations have been made.
== Military ==
Administrators, verified
